[morning post] Mokuren listened to her alarm going off for a minute and then shut it off. She hadn't slept last night, the screams of the recently deceased kept her awake night. And that bit of person stick between her eighth and ninth tooth refused to come out, which led to great annoyance. However, now morning had come, she got up and headed into the bathroom, cleaning her teeth vigorously with the brush until the feeling of that bit of person finally went away. Then, she got into the shower and washed her entire body, including the awesome fox tail she had. While Mokuren was good at keeping her self clean at dinner time, some specks still hovered, and it wouldn't do for them to be seen. Once hygiene was out of the way, she dried herself and proceeded to put her clothes from yesterday on, since she hadn't yet gotten the uniform. Mokuren hoped she would get the uniform soon, the ability to appear just like everyone else would be glorious. She would even go as far as to say it was Magnificent! Or something like that. She didn't need food though, so Mokuren decided to just mill around the school and get to know her way around. There was that duel thing later, but that was boring. Here was now.