Even though Even didn't quite seem like the kind of guy who cared THAT much about people, at least Megumi seemed a bit more interested in her entrance. Noa nodded fervently at her suggestion. [color=92278f]"Yeah, let's meet on the cafeteria later, senpai!"[/color] She waved goodbye to Megumi as she walked away. Well, now, she was fairly sure that she could walk with Even to their classroom. It was just the fact that he had already left while she wasn't looking that broke that illusion apart. [color=92278f]"Hey, Even-kun! Wait for me!"[/color] Noa shouted, even though Even was nowhere to be seen already. She should at least hurry to her classroom, though. She could reproach to Even how unthoughtful he was, later in the classroom, anyhow. After going into it, she merely saw where Even was, and then looked away with a 'hmph'. It would be a bit of a long day, something told Noa that. [h2][/h2] Later, in the cafeteria, she walked with Even because they were both headed in the same direction. All the while with her puffs cheeked, though more in joke than in actual discontent. Even was the first to take a sit in the table where Megumi was in, and she was about to sit there too when a white haired boy approached them. [color=92278f]"Sit down, sit down! The more the merrier, right, Megumi-senpai?"[/color] Noa said, cheery as ever and taking a seat besides Even. [color=92278f]"Haha, I'd be lying if I said I don't feel kinda like that too. It was really, um, I'd say 'cool', if it hadn't been real..."[/color] Noa started, not minding the new addition to their group who had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, [color=92278f]"but since it is indeed real, I'd call it, frightening at first. Then, maybe, exciting? I dunno."[/color] She said, laughing a bit and poking her tongue out of her mouth.