[quote=@Pathfinder] [b]Name[/b]: M.D.U.-6, "Daisy" [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100215210439/halo/images/thumb/9/93/CyclopsHW.png/500px-CyclopsHW.png[/img][/hider] [b]Size[/b]: 12 feet tall, 2,341 Lbs. [b]Unit history[/b]: The Mechanical Demolition Unit was a short lived line of bots used for the dual purpose of destroying larger walkers and buildings. The units were not equipped with traditional weapons, instead armed with a Mjolnir pattern impact hammer. The hammer could destroy most bots with only several hits although the M.D.U.'s could do just as much damage with just their fists. However the units never gained widespread use as they were fairly expensive to manufacture and a glitch in their programming caused them to either refuse to battle or become too eager for it. [b]Memory[/b]: Daisy remembers their name, explosions, fear, and someone too small and too fragile to be in this hell. [b]Equipment[/b]: -Mjonlir Pattern Impact hammer, fully functional. -Juggernaut subroutines: Normally M.D.U.'s are very slow however should one run in a straight line their engines will flood power to movement servos, causes engine exhaustion and overheat. -Jump thrusters, glitchy and unreliable at present. -Extensive library of songs from every known genre. Favorites include heavy metal, rock, lullabies, songs with acoustic guitars. [b]Skills[/b]: -Building Demolition -Crushing things [b]Ranks[/b]: Combat: C against faster bots, B on average bots, and A for large bots and/or buildings. Memory: D Speed: D, B with Juggernaut subroutines Companionship: A Electronics: D Wisdom: C [b]Initializing data retrieval[/b]: Complete [/quote] Good, we got an bigger gal in, welcome aboard!