Daisy never liked deactivation, sleep was fine but deactivation was another thing entirely. When she slept she was aware of her surroundings, her fate firmly in her hands and confidence that she would awaken. Deactivation took that away from her. Daisy could not nor would she ever find the words to describe what deactivation felt like, the best she could come up with would be empty but even then it gave too much to it. Deactivation was the complete and utter absence of feeling and she wouldn't wish it upon anyone. As life returned to her body, Daisy was able to take in her surroundings and take stock of the situation. With a glance she could tell it wasn't great. The husks of other robots covered the ground in front of her and by the direction there weapons were pointed at, her, she assumed they were not allies. However when she looked to her sides what passed for her heart shattered. The remains of all eleven of her siblings were laid out in a circle, locked in battle for some and destroyed for others. In the center was a mass of skeletons, all wearing the tatters of lab coats and all very much dead. Creators flashed briefly in the back of Daisy's mind. Shaking with barely held emotion, Daisy picked through the skeletons to the treasure they in turn protected. It was a small thing, tatters of her dress still clung stubbornly to the bones. Locked within its arms lay a worn and very dirty teddy bear. Scooping the whole bundle of dress and bone in Daisy's large hand, she found that her servos lost the ability to hold her weight anymore as she fell to the ground with a thud. Daisy had no sounds for crying, never needed them up till this point. However that did not stop the high pitched wail of distress that tore its way from her core as she held the remains of the original Daisy close to her chest. It lasted awhile, the pain would last longer but that would be dealt with in time. Carrying the original Daisy, Daisy brought her bones out into the light of day through the large hole in the science wing and after digging a hole buried her bones. Standing besides the mound, Daisy searched her library of music for several seconds before [i]"Amazing Grace"[/i] could be heard throughout the air. It was her favorite song.