[hider=Jackson DuCarthy] Name:Jackson DuCarthy Gender:Male Age:16 Personality: Jackson is a rather reserved individual, though not so much that he won't try to talk to people. Normally, he can be rather friendly and outgoing, but he immediately clams up whenever he becomes afraid, agitated, or angered, fleeing from these emotions and the general area. Appearance:[img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1445187-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Jackson around 5'10, with black hair and dark blue eyes. He usually wear some type of jacket, jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers, but if the school has a uniform then he won't have any objections to wearing it. His skin is slightly tanned, since he likes to spend a lot of time outside, and he sometimes dyes strands of his hair different colors when he feels the need to change things up a bit. He is somewhat good looking, but that is usually hidden by his hood if he has one. He has a strange set of scars, three perpendicular claw marks, that goes from his shoulder to his elbow on his right side. He hides it whenever he can, and when asked about he will immediately clam up and attempt to leave the area. Tether: Jackson is naturally connected to the supernatural, having being subjected to hearing voices of spirits for as long as he can remember. Until a month ago, he hadn't thought much of it, but then an event happened that changed his perspective on it, and made him afraid off it. Ability/Talents: Ability: Physical Soul Projection, this ability is a side effect of having Aphosis inside of him. It allows him to project Aphosis' soul outside of him to interact with the world in a way similar to telekinesis, but at a cost. While using this ability, Jackson increases the chance of Aphosis taking over his body, as it takes a rather sizable to use Aphosis' soul in this way. When using this ability, or possessed by Aphosis, his right eye will glow an eerie silver color(Think Black Rock Shooter) Talents he has are being an experienced Outdoors man and survivalist, as he spent his past summers in the grand outdoors with his family and takes pride in his survivl skills. He is also very good with knives, and has a collection of them at his house and never leaves home without at least three on his person, once for the opprotunity to show off, now because he's afraid to leave the house with out at least something to protect him. Recent history: [i][b]"All my life, I've felt connected to the world of the unseen, of sprits and demons, of all the things we tell ourselves isn't true so that we can sleep at night without fear of what we don't understand. I had that luxury, cause I've heard them all my life, the spirits on the other side of our world. And I fear them, more than anything else. They left their mark on me long ago, and it burns me to this day." [/b][/i] Jackson is, or rather was, an outgoing individual, easily able to make friends with others. He liked hanging out with friends, and while he wasn't the best student, he managed to get by in his studies for the most part. That changed about a month before his transfer to Armstrong. He had gone over to a friends house for a party, a small one just for his group of close friends. Late in the night, one of them pulled out a Ouija board, and everyone but Jackson cheered in delight. They all started messing with it, calling to spirits and asking ridiculous questions, while Jackson tried to decided whether or not he should just leave. One of his friends, seeing that Jackson wasn't joining in the fun, started to make fun of his apparent fear, calling him a scaredy cat. The rest of them joined in, trying to get him o join in. Jackson knew that what he was doing was a bad idea, but the peer pressure eventually made him cave in. He sat down at the table and put his hands on the Ouija board with everyone else, planning to ask a simple question than get the hell out of here. But then he got curious. He knew he had some connection to that world, hearing things that could never be explained, voices from the darkness of shadows, and the weird sensation he got in some places that were supposedly haunted. He figured that he might as well try and use it to get some answers. So he focused on the board and prepared to ask the spirits his question. He never got the chance. Everything went black, and the sounds of screams filled the air, air rushing around him like he was in the center of a hurricane. It wasn't until something grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards away from the board, were he had been frozen in fear, that darkness vanished. By then it was already to late. All of his friends were dead, some seeming as if they had been ripped apart by some wild animals, others as if they had the very drained from them. He was left their alone, with a grim wound to remind him of this night for the rest of his life. After a month of investigation, he was cleared of having anything to do with the murders due to lack of any evidence and was set free from holding by the police. His family moved to their new home, and him to a new school, trying to recover some semblance of normalcy. Jackson was very much changed by the experience. He became very reclusive, trying his best to avoid contact with others, began reading up on charms and other magic items that were said to ward of spirits and other such things. He jumps at every shadow he sees, and goes near ballistic in the dark, He has been reduced to nothing but a shell of the boy he used to be. And that wasn't the end of it. Shortly after he arrived in Oakenheim, he began to have dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. He felt sick a lot, and felt strange urges to hurt people, break things, and cause overall Chaos. The cause, a spirit known as Aphosis, had taken residence inside of him during that night, and was trying to possess him, by driving him insane. However, due to him being exposed to the supernatural all of his life, he's fairly resistant to Aphosis' power, and can even make use of the spirit to use his ability, thogh he rarely makes use of it due to the strain the ability has over him. [/hider]