[b]Blue Reaper[/b] Appearance: [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/045/9/f/9f35c9a5b9539418b843fbbaa049945e-d76glep.jpg[/img] Size: about the size of an mini-buss. Unit history: One of the latest models to be added in to evergrowing arsenal of great war. Blue Reapers had an scary purpose indeed: To wreck colossi. They would lay in ambush sites and when time came they used their considerable leaping power to strike straight in to colossus cortex, ripping it apart and disabling these giants, due to being so heavily specialized however they lack abilities to take on other prey. Memory: Beast, [[b]Search and destroy![/b]] Equipment: Supercharged hydraulic legs. Diamond tipped rending claws. Skills: Leap of death Ranks Combat: B Speed: D