Emily sighed as Srutr told her about the man who had invaded her mind. This place was strange as it was unknown, and enemies lurked in the unknown. And he was a man who could invade the mind, but was it at any time? "Seems we have a problem, this world is alien to us, and someone of power has already found us. They might even be a Keeper. We need to find a congregation of people, and see what we can learn from them" she said to herself, before raising a single hand and letting out a soft, mellow note. Several small balls of light blossomed into existence in response, and floated in wait. "Darlings. Float free and find villages, or towns, or cities. When you have found a collection of humans, find one on the brink of passing, and take residence in them. I shall find you once you do" Emily told her balls, with a motherly tone, before they floated up into the sky, and away. "So, A, B, C, or D?" She asked, while assigning a direction to each letter. 'That, isn't random you know. We can hear what you think' the Mistress replied, to which Emily sighed. "Fine, west it is" she said, heading that way, with purpose.