[quote=@Warbozz] [b][u]At castle Ferug[/u][/b] King124 was somewhat surprised when the little surveillance robot made his introductions but regained his regal composure in moments "[i]And hello to you too my little subject! come join me at my banquet![/i]" Just outside the entrance to Ferugs innards there is an makeshift table and couple of chairs. At the table, Thief of Bagdad was offered an powercell containing few days worth of energy. As his lordship King124 was about to ask for news about the area his trail of thought processes were interrupted by a song. Music, of all things, rare indeed to find such luxuries within blasted lands, he didnt recognize the song but it was quite charming indeed. "[i]Ferug! We shall move inland at once towards those two bases! For what would an royal banquet be without the gift of music![/i]" He turned towards thief. "[i]Come join me little one! for a relaxing walk and talk![/i]" While strolling towards the two bases, King124 wondered about the signatures he had read within stone columns and how nothing had risen from them, such peculiar activities were often an sign of a new beast awakening and he certainly did not want to be around for that to happen. [b][u]At military base codename: Carbon[/u][/b] An large crouched shape moved trough dark corridors with deadly purpose, an battle robot by the name of Blue Reaper. Unlike many who had awoken on this day filled with confusion but still themselves, Blue Reaper had awoken roaring, experienced pain and burning of being wiped clean. Some automatons reacted this way to pulses, they are known across blasted lands as beasts. Search and destroy was the only directive left within Reapers circuitry, and it would follow it until the day it would be destroyed or ran out of power. Few hours after the pulse, this ominous figure found its way from base it awoke in. Heavy metallic gate opened for it as Reaper stepped in to daylight... [/quote] That confirmed it. Thief said nothing as it made its way into the innards of the beast, still wary. Until the power cell. Thief hastily grabbed it up, got just a bit of a charge to make sure it was valid, and was instantly relived. It had never been offered a cell before. Stolen, yes, streaking between the forms of the beast that lived here as they warred with one another over a fresh kill. Using his sensors to pinpoint the location and collecting it up quickly, running away before it was noticed and leaving them with nothing but the empty corpse of a robot. Never before, however, had anyone offered it one. As if to seal the deal, the music began. A beautiful melody carried over these barren lands from it knew not where. A sign, that's what it was. A favorable portent send by the creators, a sound off to mark the beginning of its great journey. This robot, the choir told it, was the key. Thief followed. "It is pleasant to meet someone as conversational as yourself." Thief said, walking beside the regal robot. "I am R-22, callsign 「Thief of Bagdad」. I have never seen you or your companion in this graveyard before. Tell me, are you from the outside? How did you get in?"