[h2]Prologue: Land of Departure[/h2] It was a starry night, as usual. On the summit, near the forecourt of the castle, there was a training ground, within it a series of rings hanging on spinning poles to act as targets for practice. But just beyond that was a cliff side where one could get a near perfect view of the night sky. In this particular place, a boy sat on the grass, leaned back against the rock. He looked relaxed, but in reality was anything but that. Instead, he was frustrated, angry even. Events that had transpired earlier that day had put him in a sour mood. He'd come up this place to be alone for a while, but knew it wouldn't last. He figured someone would eventually come by to check on him, but he'd at least get a few moments to himself to think before then, "What's his deal? He's not being fair at all..." said the boy in a mumbled tone as he thought back to earlier that day. [u]A Few Hours Ago[/u] "What?" asked Rei in a raised tone, "What do you mean I don't get to take the exam? Why?" he clenched his fists angrily. He and his Master, Yen Sid, were not alone in the main hall of the castle. No, the other Apprentices were gathered as well, and had just been informed that they would be allowed to take the Mark of Mastery Exam tomorrow morning. All of them, that is, except for Rei. Rei stood in angry defiance of Yen Sid's decision, admittedly making a scene but honestly didn't care. "You're not ready yet, Reiner." said Yen Sid, keeping his composure and not even raising his voice, "There is always next time, after all. The discussion is closed. You're all dismissed." well, the discussion may have been over officially, but Yen Sid hadn't heard the last of Rei's complaints. For the rest of the day, once they were home in the Master's tower, Rei tried again and again to change Yen Sid's mind but to no avail. After a while Rei just got fed up with it and stormed out. He'd found his way to the cliff side at the training sight and remained there until well after night fall. [u]Now[/u] "Ah, come on!" Rei said, raising his voice as he suddenly got up from the ground. He swung his fist, punching the air in front of him in frustration, "What do they got that I don't? I'm pretty sure I trained just as much as them, so what's the big secret?" he then just sighed, now starting to feel more depressed than angry. He jammed his fists into his pockets and kicked at the grass, "Why do I have to be the one that falls behind...?"