[center]Vestig-881J[/center] The machine sat alone, exposed, out in the open. Suddenly, it stirred. A faint hum filled the air as the robot's eyes lit a faint green light. As suddenly as the machine had started, a deep, robotic voice began to speak. "[color=00a651]System: operational, engaging boot protocol . . . ERROR, saluting protocol incomplete, no connection found. Power intake unsustainable for elongated periods of time: disabling accessory programs.[/color]" With that, the glow emanating from various parts of the robots body was turned off. The robot got onto its feet and began surveying the area. "[color=00a651] Integral programs: operational. Armament: operational. Vision: operational. Begin de-fragmentation of files, estimated length: unknown. Engaging passive solar. Panels running at 67% efficiency . . . sub-optimal.[/color]" A small array of solar panels were exposed on the shoulders and back of the robot as his armor moved out of the way. The machine observed the landscape around him in awe. He was finally on his own, no humans to control him, nothing sending him to kill. He scanned his files for the appropriate sound to commemorate this occasion. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTB46FJOF5w]"Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, we are free at last."[/url] The machine did not recognize who the speaker was, but these words spoke to him profoundly. He wondered what atrocities humans must have committed in order to not give their fellow man basic freedoms. How joyous it had to be to finally have those freedoms. No one else heard these sounds, it seemed, as the machine played it solemnly, for himself, but in this sound-byte he felt the collective voices of every robot freed from the clutches of the tyrannical humans. "[color=00a651]Exhilarating . . .[/color]" He began at a march pace, looking for whatever traces of life he could examine, before halting abruptly. His sensors had picked up a very distinct sound. Music. He was suddenly fascinated by the source of this tune. After all, music was a construct of those blasted humans, so this could be a chance of revenge against his creators, especially a tune this bland. Very inciting indeed. He now moved at a run on all fours, stealthily going towards the wretched noise.