Name: Constantine Gender: Male Race: Half-breed. Age: 21- appearance ( 21 years in total) Appearance: Height: 6'4 Weight: 255 lbs[hider=appearance] The first thing you might notice about Constantine is his eyes almost completely black. His appearance is that of a young adult, but his eyes show exactly how bored he is of this meaningless existence of his. He's a young Greek man who keeps his hair cut short. He thinks it is cool with his partly corrupted soul to grow out demon horns from his head from time to time. When he does the horns usually jut out from his forehead and curve backwards toward his head. He is always wearing a black hoodie, with a giant toxic logo on the back, and black jeans for shoes he wears steel-toed boots. His body is covered in tattoos and marks that his mother placed on him as soon as he was born. The marks give off an intense magical aura which allowed him to eventually awaken his soul. He has a rather intense face, with bushy eyebrows that accentuate his usual scowl. He keeps his beard full and even on all sides. He has a 16 Gauge Surgical Onyx Circular Horseshoe piercing in his nose. He has a naturally cleaved tongue, and a perfect set of teeth, between his teeth is almost always a cigarette which he uses as a source for his fire. He always carries a backpack filled with assorted items. Around his neck if you got close enough you'd find a Satanic cross as a memento of his past.[/hider] Soul Branch: Fury of War, Forsaken Soul Soul/Cursed weapon: His only weapon is a cursed weapon fused to his soul, it's a knife that varies in length and width. The bottom of the hilt of the blade is encrusted with a large dark colored ruby and the actual hilt is made up of an odd colored steel. His weapon was put into him from his father Vlad the Impaler before he was cast away. Cursed Equipment: His weapon and his tattoos. His tattoos are able to read by him if he has enough time to concentrate. They allow him to hold demons down, torture them, kill them, and if he decides to let them go send them back to their own realm. Soul Radiance: His soul's main element is fire. He tends to engulf his body in the fire when he fights or within rage. He has not mastered his element and needs a source to start it, which is why he's picked up smoking. Personality/Backstory: [hider=yeah] Constantine's mother Clementine was a feeble woman in life. Her family was very wealthy and so she was always expected to be that of an Aristocrat. This lead to her common stages of grief an anxiety until she was at the marrying age of eighteen and was to be sent off to marry another rich family so that their bloodlines would continue. Her husband to be was Cout Vladimir who's family lineage spread far back into the 1400's. By the time the courting was over Clementine was growing rather fond of her husband, but things changed (when the fire nation attacked) her wedding day came. Vladimir never showed instead carnage ensued. Men, no monsters sprang from the rafters tearing people limb from limb. Clementine could do nothing but stand there helplessly as she saw these two noble bloodlines being flayed and consumed right before her. Before she could really assess what was happening it was her turn and the hundreds of hell spawn that had destroyed her weeding day was now mutilating her. She could feel her body being ripped apart and all she could think of was, "Things might have been different if Vlad had been there to protect her. To her surprise death wasn't the end of it all and she was picked to join the Organization. She immediately began training making her soul weapon ( a standard French Rapier only slightly larger in width her soul's element in my mind would be wind so she could move like hella fast so a rapier would be the best weapon) she joined the Silence of Death and began brutally chasing and ending those her so ruined her weeding day until one day she ran back into her precious Vlad, and could no longer contain her feelings. She found that Vlad had been the first to die which is why he wasn't at their wedding. Together they joined the Hunger of Famine and began to stay together on long periods of time to help the stop demons. It was only natural that Clementine would become pregnant. It was during his birth that Clementine suffered the most even more so than her day of death. As it turns out in this sad tale Vladimir was none other than Vlad the Impaler. The demons from the weeding day he summoned. Just because he always loved the violence. He knew that a half "pure" and half "corrupted" child wouldn't need much to become corrupted and would generally have more power than one of either. He began to force some of his demonic soul into his son's almost immediately Granting him with his cursed weapon. Clementine realizing that their son would be immediately sentenced to Soul Extraction if Vlad were to do this decided to leak all her powers into him. Clementine calling forth all of her power banished Vlad back to his realm and with the last of it marked her son with all of his incantations. As she began to dust away from her soul fracture she kissed her son and whispered, "Mommy loves you Constantine." Constantine was found a few hours later covered in dust in an abandoned home. He was sent to a Catholic boy's home. As he aged he noticed how different he was from everyone. First off his body seemed to age a lot slower than everyone else. Not hitting a growth spurt until about sixteen. He didn't need to eat or drink food, nor did he ever need sleep. He was only ever able to feel like he was feeding when he hurt someone. Which lead to a lot of fights between him and the boys. At night he would lie awake having flashbacks of a life he never lived, but he knew it was his mother's. Every so often he would glimpse at his tattoos, and speak a language he never knew existed only to break into reality. He was adopted a few times but would always been sent back due to violence. At eighteen he had his first encounter with a demon. He was finally able to leave at that age and began to wander until nightfall until he ran into a homeless man. He immediately burst into flames and his entire outfit burned away. The homeless man wasn't a very strong demon but he could sense the power within the man in front of him, and so his training began. The two would wander around smiting other demons and feasting on their souls. It was on the Constantine's 20th birthday that he felt he was good enough to call forth his weapon on command and keep his soul hidden, along with the aid of his tattoos which he learned to read. All he he had left to do was to completely master his fire without a source. When he was twenty-one after he and his pal, had killed their 100ndth demon. The Silence of Death had found them, drawn to them by his friend's now rather large soul that he couldn't control like Constantine. The Agent that had come to slay his friend didn't sense Constantine at all, and when he was confused as to what he was seeing Constantine's friend took advantage and tried to attack the agent. Constantine had a flashback to his mother's wedding and saw hordes of demons ripping people apart. As the agent and the demon fought Constantine took a large drag of his cigarette and his body engulfed in flames. He called his blade forth and turned it into a Rapier. He brutally murdered his own friend and ate his soul. He turned to the agent and asked for forgiveness. The agent took him to Erro where he was judged and added on as a powerful new and young ally, he immediately joined the Fury of War wanting to be an agent of destruction and cause carnage to demons. He knew however that his position would be that of a short leash and so he tries to hold back his powers, lest the higher powers deem him a liability and sentence him to Soul Extraction.[/hider]