Sayuri walks up the hill watching the sky. She thought about all the work she's put into becoming a Keyblade Master. Now she was so close, [color=990000][i]'Now all I have to do is pass the Mark of Mastery. Though to be honest I'm fine as long as I have my Keyblade. Hmm... Becoming a Master. I wonder what that entails,'[/i][/color] her thoughts were quickly interupted by familiar shouting. She sighs and walks the rest of the way to the top. She walks up to the lone person standing there and sits on the nearby bench, [color=990000]"Hey Rei. Hope his decision hasn't shaken you too badly. I won't claim to understand what the Master's thinking, but he must have a reason for it. If I was able to give you my spot I would. I was actually looking forward to taking the test with all of us."[/color]