[center][h3]Instaurabo[/h3][/center] [color=SteelBlue] System Reboot... Restoring Power to Internal Systems: COMPLETE Loading Internal Data Storage : ERROR -Files Corrupt : Retrieval Attempted Loading Emergency Backup Storage : COMPLETE Booting Artificial Intelligence : COMPLETE ... Internal System Diagnostics : COMPLETE Memory : ERROR -Files Corrupt : Retrieval Attempted Power : 14% Emotion Simulator : ERROR -??? Artificial Reasoning : FUNCTIONING ... Restoring Power to External Systems : COMPLETE ... External System Diagnostics : COMPLETE Sensory Functions: COMPLETE Sight : FUNCTIONING Touch : FUNCTIONING Audio Detection : FUNCTIONING Audio Projection : ERROR -Default Audio Projection to System Speaker ... Initiating... [/color] Instaurabo’s eyes lit up, blue and seeming as flashlights in the dark surroundings of the building, despite not possessing the intensity to illuminate much more than a foot or two in front of his face. Meticulously, the robot reached back and unplugged several cords that fed into his back, carefully relocking the vulnerable ports to prevent exposure to dust and other elements. “I REQUEST A DIRECTIVE.” No response. His eyes flickered for a moment, then Instaurabo turned, locating the back half of his armor plating on a nearby rack- which was also the containment unit for his tools. They had been designed together, for his model specifically. The pieces latched on easily, becoming as natural a part of the robot as his arm or leg. Still no response. Instaurabo processed this for a moment. Darkness identified as a malfunction within the building. Assessment necessary. He removed the welding pen from a locking slot in his backplate, igniting it at it’s fullest for a brief flash, blinding to a human’s eyes, but as good as a picture to a robot. The brief glimpse was all he needed, taking the file from his memories and overlaying it on top of what was there. It would have been more accurate to sustain the bright flash of the torch, but not conservative of energy. Star examined the available information, identifying the room as a large maintenance room. Many of the other work stations were empty or strangely mangled, some of those with and without robots present within the station. “COMPUTER. I REQUEST LIGHT.” Nothing, which indicated a power outage, ignoring the wreckage of the rubble blocking one quadrant of the room. Star moved to the small command center at his own workstation and pressed the ‘ON’ button. The flash of bright light had rendered everything colorless, but the button was likely green, knowing humans. Still nothing. Patiently, Star went to each station and repeated the process, with no luck. He moved into the hallway, repeating commands. Still no response. Mysteriously, there were no humans present to respond either. This was not a source of major concern however. Instaurabo was designed for robot to robot interaction, and useless as far as humans were concerned. He considered these factors for a moment, and moved towards the lower levels, which were in noticeably better condition. He began passing corpses and remains as well. During his deactivation this base must have been attacked and evacuated, which explained the darkness. Each new room required a brief flash of the torch to orient himself properly, but it was worth the drain. It took around thirty minutes until the engineer robot had found his way to the backup generators. Generator one had been shredded by robots, though not all appeared to be combat designs. Which made their presence strange. And yes, they were still present. Several construction models frozen in attempting to cover themselves in a form of liquid fuel. Possibly of extremely high quality, but still useless for many functions beyond simple combustion. There was a reason of course that these were the BACKUP generators. The unfortunate bots that had disassembled generator one had obviously failed to identify that the fuel used was incompatible. Generator two appeared functional, despite three also being torn apart by deactivated bots. With two of the three down, only minor functions could be restored to the facility. Unfortunate. The second unfortunate event as the discovery that two had remained untouched because it wasn’t connected to the main grid, and once connected, failed to start. Instaurabo had little choice but to begin diagnostics. First he would need light. Not much do to the quality of his visual sensors of course. Star proceeded to use his dissembler to remove a thin panel of metal from a wall vent. For ventilation. Smart humans, naming objects for their purpose. Adapting the tool’s function to metal snips made it a simple matter to form the sheet into a simple lamp, albeit larger than documented human concepts. The wick ended up being strips from a labcoat, and the fuel from the still sealed tanks of generator two, which had enough to make such loss insignificant. A light from his torch, and instant relief. Not extremely conventional, but it would do. Now, for the generator. Instaraubo decided to call upon his processors for information. Generators were relatively simple in concept, but in practice many pieces could go wrong. Calculations were better than static observation in this case. “POWER TO COMPUTE. TARGET GENERATOR.”