A hazy light drifted through the large arching windows in the corridors of the Castle despite the darkness of the sky. Alight with a thousand twinkling points millions of miles away, the night sky still provided illumination on this world. Maybe it was symbolic to the to the world itself, which was a beacon against the intrusive darkness, that even in the night the world was lit enough to be navigable. Tremere's boots made a clacking rapport on the hard tile flooring and the sharp sound echoed in the large, empty hall. It wasn't a strange site to see the girl wandering the halls at night, although she never lacked in energy the next morning. The yawning chasms of the high rounded ceilings draped in shadow did not frighten her; she could not remember the last time she was afraid of the dark. Not since before she had even became an apprentice. The dazzling stars were calling to her this ponderous night. She was anxious about the morning that was to follow. Although she was confident in her abilities, she had never been one too consumed by pride and knew that there was a possibility of failure. Their one fellow apprentice who was told he could not participate had not taken the news very well and seemed to have less of a grasp of similar concepts. Tremere turned a corner, her long arms swaying in the murky light, and found herself in the main hall. Off to her left rose the plinth on which the large master thrones stood resolute in shadow. A few shafts of light shot down in front of the thrones, the contrast of which made them seem pooled in ink. The apprentice stood for a moment, taking in the picturesque image, before turning to the opposite direction and the opposing doors that loomed near wide windows. Steps still clicking, she made her way to that side of the grandiose hall and peered out the window. The landscaping of the area was prim and clean like always. Yellow light shone from several lampposts in the circular courtyard and glinted off the golden colored railings and accents of the building. A wisp of a reflection stared back at her, wide purple eyes shining with the light reflected in their moisture. There was a bit of a commotion outside, but she couldn't see anyone. It must have echoed down from the summit. She only heard a single voice, and she couldn't make out the words or the owner of the voice from so far away. Running her hand on the embroidered wall, she slowly sauntered to the small, single-person door that was cut into its huge cousin, and pushed it open. The night was cool, and a slight breeze made her shiver. Goosebumps rose on her flesh as she passed through the threshold; she wrapped her arms around herself and the door quietly shut behind her. Her black hair swayed in the breeze. She rocked on her feet as she looked out to the sky. A small sigh escaped her as her eyes explored the expanse above, stretching like a canvas across the top of their world, a blanket and a shield, both muffling them and protecting them. Tomorrow should would be tested and judged, and if she was found worthy, she might be able to make her own mark on that canvas. She shuddered.