Name: Veronica Willis Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Motivation: The money, of course! She's winning this thing and she won't let anyone stop her. She doesn't care about fame and all, she just wants to live a stable life where you don't have to steal and fight to survive in the streets. Backstory: Veronica grew up in the poorest part of town, and where she and her family live in the squatters' area. Of course, in the end they were got rid of from their homes and that's when Veronica decided to leave her parents and face the world alone. She was ten years old then, so she doesn't really know what she was talking about but she kept her word. She grew up on the streets and learned how to look out for herself. Personality: Veronica is a VERY determined person. When she puts her mind onto something, she will do everything to get it. However, she's also tad playful at times, often sending out double entendres and innuendos, but that's only because watching people's reaction are very amusing. She's confident on her abilities and and won't hesitate to play dirty to achieve her goal. Misc: Veronica fears that she'll someday die in the streets without even having progress in her life. She's also scared of spiders for some reason, and has always avoided them since she was little. Name: Adrian Ross Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Motivation: Well, the prize is actually a second motivation, he was in because of the publicity mostly, but his main goal for joining the show is to witness the drama that is about to happen in the island, and he will enjoy every second watching it, being the casual observer and the son of a paparazzi slash celebrity blogger and gossiper. Backstory: Adrian grew up in the orphanage until he was five, wherein he was adopted by Ashton Ross, a flamboyant and openly gay paparazzi who is famous for blogging celebrity gossips and secrets. Of course, Adrian soon began to inherit his adopted father's traits, like the flashy clothing and annoying nosiness. They were well-off, and Adrian doesn't have any problems with his father. Personality: Adrian is aspiring to be like his adopted father and tries to follow his footsteps. He has no sense of privacy and doesn't know the meaning of no, and will stick his nose into your business if he's interested whether you like it or not. He's blunt and rude at times, but he has a soft side somewhere...probably. He's flamboyant and flashy, like his father, and dyed his hair pink because he thinks it's fabulous. He acts and talks quite femininely, but he's straight, that he's sure of. Misc: Despite wanting to be like his father, he's also scared that people will compare him to his father, ruining originality. He's also claustrophobic.