Hello, players. This is my first rp in this site, and I hope it will be a success. This rp is set in a world of might and magic, in the midst of a huge war. I require at least 4 people to join in order to start this. [hider=plot]You are a part of the 55th army of Fibra, grand kingdom of Cherieth. The 55th army are full of military reserves marked with an eagle tattoo. Cherieth is currently having a problem against a dark force. The said force utilizes the diversity of evil creatures, or monsters as we put it, thus creating bloody and chaotic battles all over the country. As the 55th army, including you, marched its way to Moerg, a city far from the borders of Fibra, many battles were occurring on different parts of the country. On the journey, the army was assaulted by a horde of monsters, and a chaotic battle had been its result. You saw the dead bodies of your comrades lying around, the bodies of the monsters the army slain, as the battle raged on. After a few hours of tireless clashing, the horde of monsters was defeated, but costed the army more lives than they would have spared. You and a few others are the only ones left living, and you have nowhere to go but Moerg. Supplies the army carried were destroyed. Will you survive the journey, or will you die like your comrades?[/hider] The thread is here: [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76375-the-lost-eagles/ooc[/url]