It could have stayed with the relative safety of this living castle, if it was coward. If it was the sort of robot that would stand idly by while a living robot was torn apart. If it didn't have faith that this was all sort of a plan. With that in mind it sprinted past the king, bounding over the ground on all fours down toward the hole that had been knocked in the wall. It could do nothing against the combat model, that was certain. The tiny gun at its side would not even scratch the armor of such a beast. So Thief did the only thing it could do. It hunkered down as the pair circled one another, focusing on the large blue one, and allowed itself to 「See」. It was a strange ability. Thief's memory banks did not contain how it had acquired this strange power, the ability to look at and [i]know[/i] another robot. It must be something the creators had gifted it to aide in its great mission, to find out the one with the [b][i]Great Theoretical Ability[/i][/b]. But now this divine power would be turned to the aide of its fellow robot. (POWER TO COMPUTE: What is this robot and what are its weaknesses?)