[quote=Valeric] Only one player per class? That's a shame, I wanted a paladin. The vows system looked fun. [/quote] Yeah, only one player per class. Sorry about that :c [quote=Leotamer] Turtlicious- Your post directly above it? If you are talking about the second part, that is just something I heard quite a bit in my limited experience with tabletops. [/quote] We're not necessarily going off of what other tabletop rules go by. We tried to make this one as simple as possible while still retaining the stats/dice aspects of tabletops. So for now just worry about what's in the first post when it comes to rules/what people can and can't do :) [quote=Fulsom] Gonna have to get up extra early in the morning, maybe with a hangover so I can be a part of this then haha, would be a fool to miss out on something like this... [/quote] Good luck. XD Quite a few people seem to have interest in this.