[hider=Normal] [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/26749996/original.gif[/img] [img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-tgfQPE-C0LY/UxUVBvFgZnI/AAAAAAAAL44/6w5PYF6TAVE/w426-h256/25.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Wrath Form] [img]http://img3.ph.126.net/NCHL6TgQ9F7M9sEKuMObwA==/1020346790593409683.jpg[/img] [img]http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/545265666894688204/F961E6CAE803E43FF8400F271CEDF7DE79B27534/[/img] [/hider] [hider=Tattoo on Shoulder] [img]https://archive.loveisover.me/foolfuuka/boards/w/image/1421/62/1421622046092.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Lydia Race: Demon Cursed/ Seven Deadly Sin - Wrath Age: She is 17 and has been for 5 years Personality: Lydia, despite being the Sin of Wrath, is kind and caring. She is a bubbly sweet girl who loves to help out others but has a very fiesty side. When angered she is not someone to mess with. She becomes stronger when angry and extremely cold. Whoever angered her will be her target and she won't stop until she kills them. She will also protect those she cares for no matter what even if she is in her wrath form Bio: Lydia was a trainee in the SDO from the age of 16. She was level 2 when the event happened. She was sent with a team to go take out what was supposed to be a weak supernatural killing people in a small town but the supernatural ended up being a demon. This demon wiped out her whole team within minutes leaving only her standing. The demon gazed down upon Lydia and saw what he thought was the qualities to be greater than she is. The demon was already close to dying and cursed her with his abilities before disappearing. This caused her to become extremely angry and wrathful. Another team showed up as her teams backup and with her new look they blamed her for her teams death. She became the enemy of SDO and has been running from them since. She doesn't hate them, in reality after gaining control of her power she has helped them occasionally even if she remained a mystery to them. They are hunting her but she has evaded them and the evil supernaturals. Equipment: she has two gauntlets that two blades can come out of Powers: Lydia has super strength and speed even though when not in wrath form these are halved and she is only slightly stronger and faster than an over-average human, but the angrier she gets in human form the faster and stronger she gets until she reaches wrath point. Along with this she has sharp finger nails like claws, she doesn't age, and she can combine dark fire with physical combat, this can include surrounding the users limbs in dark fire to enhance the damage in their blows, they can breath dark flames or form it into a ball to throw it. The limitations for her dark fire are that she can only generate the dark fire around her gauntlets when in human form and she can't use it in temperatures 32F or below and when she is not in direct sunlight Theme-song (optional Allegiance: Neutral/enemy of SDO/enemy of Bloody Voice Other: Unicorns are very real but so are bullets