[System reboot....Complete] [Internal Systems check.....Complete] [Damage assessment....Power cells..minimum damage..integrated weapons..destroyed...left leg knee joint....critical damage.] [Effective Combat Functionality...73%] [Welcome back....Jack] As the pulse past by what looked like an endless battlefield of countless bodies, Jack was reactivated. He sat up and looked around. There were a countless amount of machines that lay destroyed or deactivated. [Opening memory files...corrupted. One file remains....opening] Jack viewed the file. It was a recording of the last thing he did before he shit down. Bullets whizzed past him and took down something next to him. He turned to see a missile heading straight for him and one other. He grabbed whoever it was and threw them to safety. The missile struck close. The file goes black and then ends. "What happened?" Jack stood up and looked around. "More importantly...who won." He looked down to his left leg to see the knee joint was badly damaged. "The missile that hit by must have caused that." Jack looked around to see a military base. He grabbed his rifle off of the ground and checked his ammunition bags. He then decided to move for the base. He was not able to really run. His leg was damaged and so he walked with a limp in his left leg. He observed the scenery around him. The sky, the ground, the endless battlefield. "What happened here?" [Prime directive....surpress enemy infan-...error...regroup with comman-...error...survive] "So the fight is over, and I'm not regrouping with command. The last objective I was given was survive?" Jack entered the base. [POWER TO COMPUTE: scanning for and power source, armory, and robot repair facility.]