Basically, I'm into the whole master/slave deal, me usually being the slave. That said, I need to get away from that genre and find some other romantic and non-romantic rps to do. However, if you're interested in the m/s thing, I'll gladly do it. I usually play the female character in a maleXfemale rp, since I have a little experience in mXm and no experience on fXf. Couples I'm into: Male Demon/Werewolf/Vampire/Human/Orc/Barbarian/Naga/DriderXFemale Human PharoahXSlave/Concubine SutorXGoverness Also, I have a plot idea that technically isn't my own, considering it's the story of Hades and Persephone. I would enjoy rping Persephone and recounting the myth, as well as adding some stuff of our own. I usually post about 2 or 3 paragraphs, depending on how well my muse is working on any particular day. I also usually post rapidly: you could have posted 10 minutes prior and you'd get a reply. So, post here if you're interested in any of these ideas, or if you have one of your own you'd like to see us try.