Silus moved into position at the edge of the clearing watching his team move into position. The groups vibe was a bit mixed he could tell some were confident and others were tense. Silus himself was calm, orcs were no major threat in small groups, Although they were strong most were just brutes and quick thinking could outsmart them and lead to victory. With everything taken into consideration Silus turned his attention to the Orc's camp. Five orcs were in sight as well as the Warg, by the looks of it it was the group Silus had been tracking. He watched them for a moment as the group sat around the fire eating and talking. It was odd how similar Orcs were to humans, although a bit more barbaric they did follow many of the same basic traits as humans. No now was not the time for idealistic thoughts, the known enemy numbers were smaller than their own and Silus' team would have the advantage. But how many orcs were inside the tents? after thinking things over Silus decided that the time to act was now. Just as Silus was about to motion for the attack rustling was heard from the other side of the clearing. Silus froze waiting to see how the Orcs would react and what was hiding in the brush. The orcs around the fire looked up and reached for their weapons, but three more Ocs came from the brush one dragging a human behind them. "Found more of dem Humies poking round our turf." The orc dragging the man said as he tossed the half dead man down near the fire. The warg sat up ready to finish the man off, but was quickly sat back down by its handler. "Ya Boss says they have some forces ere, has had some of da boys trying to find out where they are hiding so we can show them who owns this land now." One of the orcs around the fire said. As Silus watched he seemed to notice that that particular orc was a bit bigger than the others and was probably the groups leader. "Na, the Boss found them, we got word that once Yarg and his boys get back we are to go meet up. Boss wants to hit em tonight while they sleep." Another orc said joining into the conversation. But that was enough for Silus, Numbers were no longer in their favor and he now had information on an upcoming orc attack. There was no need to endanger his team and risk the Order not receiving the information. He then gave the motion to gather back up and retreat. It wasn't even five seconds after Silus gave the order that he heard a branch snap behind the group. Silus quickly turned hearing another voice behind them. "Ay, looks like some Humies lost their horses. We will have some good eats tonight." An orc said, "You idiot, this close to camp? The Humies are planning to attack" Another orc said as he reached down and grabbed a horn at his side. Silus knew things were about to get bad and rushed back to the horses ready to face the Orcs. "Stick together finish this group quickly then prepare for the rest." Silus said reading his weapon for the battle to come. Silus got to the horses just in time to see the three Orcs, two were already prepared one holding a [url=]Battle Axe[/url] and the other an orc sized [url=]cutlass[/url]. The third held a [url=]Hand Axe[/url] and was bringing up his war horn to alert the other orcs. Unable to do anything else Silus charged forward into battle.