''Thank you, I am Herr Ubermeisterung Adolf Creutz Kleiner, Kaisermann of the Wolfeguard-Hylche division, it is an utmost pleasure to meet such high esteemed military officers and pilots, I have heard much of your accomplishments.'' Creutz said, a surprisingly noticeable smirk running across his lips. He leaned back slightly in his chair, however he still remained his disciplined demeanor, not even a single fault could be found in the sharpness of his uniform, even. The Iron, steel and Aquitium cross, the Heiberngaizer Kross, glossing against the sunlight which flies through the window. ''Quite the beautiful celebration you have, a well made, rallying, empowering speech Lady Chancellor.'' "Thank you Mr. Kleiner, we always try to make each year's celebration more spectacular than the one before. Not an easy task to say the least. Now then! Down to business." Helena opened a file containing some documents and motioned to then. "Your nation has expressed interest in our sale of airships, but according to this, you are particularly interested in watching how a modern airborne infantry unit operates, yes?" she then nodded to the HandelWind Kommandant, Walt Hoffmesser. "During this year's celebration, we are having various mock battles and... military exercises around the country. nearby we have a distinguished airborne unit 75th Airborne Division or better known as the "Bastards of Barkove" preparing for a some training exercises at Fort Markzer. Tomorrow you and your security detail will meet with their commander and he'll take you through some of the tips and tricks of having such a force." he then motioned to Katherine across the table. "However, Major Avonsta here will be showing you how literal airborne infantry can be an effective resource on the battlefield." Katherine nodded to Kleiner. Her face was covered in various small scars and one of her eyes was slightly discolored, most likely the result of dodging flak blasts and surviving many crash landings in her years. "Yes sir, the Empire has proven that highly nimble airborne units can be quite effective when dealing with an overwhelming enemy air force. As it is so common during this age, nations will usually just mass produce one or two types of aircraft and send massive waves of them to fight. If you have a specialized force with superb equipment, the ratio will dramatically flip as I'm sure you understand." She motioned to the large windows that covered the west facing side of the room. Outside the confetti had settled, but the air was still filled with the 1st Fleet, particularly the Fortress Class. "Having big, highly mobile artillery is a huge advantage on the battlefield, but they are very vulnerable if you know where to hit em. Having a skilled light flying unit can make a world of difference."