"Ah don't worry about it! Looking back on things, it does all sound pretty ridiculous..." She murmured, frowning in a way that made her look like she was pondering something deep while in reality, she was going over how the hell a heavy, falling arm didn't kill anyone. "And my head is fine anyways, just a silly little bump! I've had worse before! Oh! I'll tell you guys about that one time I managed to break both my legs at the same time! Pretty hilarious story, actually!" She blubbered, as Rayna typically did, to fill a gap in the conversation that might run stale and turn awkward. That was one thing she did not want. When she was called up to fight, she actually felt a little spark of nerves - she could go up against any one of the people surrounding her, whether she liked it or not. As she arrived at the class, Priscilla was actually pretty nervous because she had never fought a human before. And this girl looked like she was going to beat the crap out of Priscilla, but that didn't mean that she was going to give up or chicken out. No sir. This was a combat class. It was one of the ways how she could be a Huntress. "Alright. I can do this. Just a fight, nothing big. Rayna was used to fighting people, seemingly. The fact that she was paired against someone who looked better suited to a pageant than an arena also gave her a boost of confidence. After a few minutes, they had been placed into a circular arena. The lights dimmed, cutting off their view of the onlookers - this was good, it would allow Rayna to forget about the fact that every single move she made was being processed and judged by her peers. When the actual battle began, she slowly backed away, her hands not even drifting close to her weapons as she sized up her enemy. Alright. So basically now was the time for their fight to begin. They were in an arena where herself and Rayna couldn't see the others. Pretty sure they could see them. "Alright. Priscilla. You can do this..." she said with a very nervous tone. Priscilla inhaled and then exhaled, looking up at the girl and waiving at her, being nice and all to her opponent. "Good luck!" Rayna quirked a small eyebrow at her - that was unexpected. From what Rayna understood, this was deadly serious, but her thoughts were quickly changed. Smiling softly, she gave her an encouraging nod. "Good luck to you too!" She was nice to her but inwardly, she didn't trust Priscilla one bit; she didn't know what her semblance was and that put her at fault. For that reason, she would have no reason but to try and tempt it out of the girl so she could discover her capabilities. "Don't go too hard on me, ok?" She shouted, adding a little shakiness to her voice. Rayna recognised the situation and whether she liked it or not, she would have to outsmart this girl to win. Priscilla smiled at Rayna, just telling her that she didn't really want to go fullout. But this was a serious fight, so she will have to study how Rayna fights and how 'hard' she goes. Priscilla sighs and backs away slowly, grabbing her weapon as it turned into a sword mode. Let the fight begin! "I won't. Promise." Rayna [i]almost[/i] felt guilty about what she was doing but nothing was fair in love or war and this was very definitely war. Keeping her eyes locked on Priscilla, she noted how her weapon seemed to shift into its current state. That meant that she probably had multiple weapon-forms, one of which was presumably ranged, as hybrid weapons usually contained a ranged weapon. Lifting her arms, she grasped the hilts of her blades firmly before slowly dragging them free of their sheathes. This was going to be her first time going up against a fellow huntress-in-training and even if she would have never admitted it, she was nervous. Priscilla closed her eyes and then reopened them keeping them locked on Rayna. This was it, where she fights a Huntress, just like herself. As the fight started, she created a force field underneath her feet as it made her jump high and right towards Rayna. Her weapon quickly changed into her hammer, aiming it right in front of Rayna, on the ground as it created a shockwave sending Rayna spinning. Rayna was already moving of course, taking off into a sprint towards the side. The shockwave affected her, throwing her off her feet a little. She landed into a roll, quickly regaining her footing as she took off into a sprint again. This time, however, her objective was doing damage, not running away. She was on Priscilla in an instant, one blade held out in defense and the other cutting through the air in a brutal stroke, attempting to slice sidewards at the girl. Priscilla saw that the shockwave affected the girl. Success! She suddenly changed her weapon into her sword mode. Rayna was quick, seeing the blade now swinging sideways at Priscilla. She grabbed her sword and blocked the attack. [I]"Woah.[/i] this girl was not playing around. Alright, Priscilla is gonna have to step it up. She would make a backflip, away from Rayna as her weapon quickly turned into her hammer as she hammered the ground, attempting to send another shockwave at her. Rayna was ready for this one, having already seen the power Priscilla could put into her hammer attacks. Unfortunately, Priscilla would just repeat the same combination of attacks if Rayna backed off so she had to keep moving forward; she had to punish Priscilla, make her adapt to the fight, force her out of her comfort-zone. This time, she blasted towards Priscilla's flipping form. When her hammer came down, Rayna leapt towards her, spinning naturally and pulling all her weight into the two of her swords which slammed down towards Priscilla. Priscilla saw her attack failing but that was the point. She wanted Rayna to THINK that it was all of Priscilla's doing. Rayna was a very quick chick so this made Priscilla even more nervous. Priscilla quickly pushed her hand infront of her as it created a force field around her body, attempting to block the attack by Rayna. For now, Priscilla will have to play the defensive role. Although Priscilla saved herself from the attack landing, she made a mistake in allowing Rayna to slip back from the fight and regain her breath. Rayna would be exhausted if Priscilla kept up the defensive game but now, she had the ability to stand back and make decisions. Good. This was actually going pretty good. Priscilla suddenly changed her weapon into her sword mode. As she ran towards Rayna, swinging her weapon side to side. It was a very intense fight. Priscilla should actually just start being defensive, that's how she could win the game. By tiring Rayna, but that was a back up plan. Let's see what happens with this strike. It would have been a better idea for Priscilla to suddenly respond to Rayna's attacks but instead, she left her with time to prepare. Rayna too, ran towards her, raising her two blades vertically to defend herself. As their blades made contact, Rayna allowed Priscilla's blade to slide upwards as she herself slid to her knees. Priscilla could land heavy attacks but Rayna was fast and she could mostly get away from them. Priscilla knew that Rayna was quicker than herself. So she knew what she had to do. That was her backup plan. To go straight to her defensive plan. She quickly jumped up and fell on her back against the ground, her weapon quickly changed into hammer mode. As she stood up quickly, a string of her pink hair swinging right on Priscilla's left eye as she blew it with her mouth, away from her eye. Priscilla quickly ran towards Rayna, swaying her hammer at her, attempting to hit her. Unfortunately, Rayna wasn't quick enough and even if she was, she wouldn't have been able to stop the raw force behind the strike. The hammer made contact with her stomach just as she was turning to react. Pain suddenly filled every pore on her body, sparking as she was blasted backwards and the air was forced from her lungs. She landed with a heavy thud against the wall, her swords sliding away noisily along the floor. For all intents and purposes, she looked like she was unconscious. It was only when she uttered a low groan of pain that it was made clear that she hadn't slipped down into the red. Crawling up onto her hands and knees, she used the wall to climb back up but she didn't look like she was in a good state. Priscilla saw that the hit actually hit Rayna. That was not good. She expected for Rayna to dodge it! "I'm so sorry!" She yelled running towards Rayna and trying to help the girl up. "I am really sorry. Please be okay. I didn't want to actually hurt you." and this was Priscilla being actually worried to someone that she barely knew. If only Rayna actually dodge it. Hopefully the others wouldn't see what happened. Priscilla didn't actually want to hurt no one. She believed in fair-play and she wasn't about to take advanced of Priscilla's kindness. "The fight isn't over. Get back." She breathed heavily, closing her eyes and trying to stop the ringing that had filled her head. Pulling out her scroll, she checked her aura - she was down into the yellow zone; another attack like that would lose her the fight. Looking up, she watched Priscilla hesitantly return to the centre of the arena. Her swords were too far away but she didn't need them - she excelled in unarmed combat and she still had her semblance. Raising her fists to her face, she held them up defensively as she nodded to Priscilla. "Come on, finish me." "No.... I am not going to fight you and your in that state." Priscilla said dropping her weapon and turning around as she yelled. "I forfeit! Rayna wins the game!" Priscilla said quitting because of what she did to Rayna. This was one of the reasons why she didn't want to fight. Rayna was stunned. She couldn't win like this. She was meant to win in a blaze of glory after outsmarting her enemy, not by being weak and taking a particularly bad strike which made her opponent feel guilty. If she couldn't win properly, she wasn't going to win at all. "I forfeit as well! I think I'm injured, Miss. Priscilla beat me. She wins." Rayna protested loudly - Priscilla was an honourable opponent and the victory deserved to go to her. She also took note of the fact that she hadn't used her semblance. She imagined Miss Goodwitch would have something to say about that. Priscilla turned to face Rayna. "No...Rayna. Its okay. I dont need to win and stuff...besides, just take the win. Please take the win. I didn't want to hurt you Rayna. I just....atleast wanted to tire you out or something." Priscilla said walking towards Rayna, helping her out. "Let's get out of here and take you to the nurse.." The cold, sharp voice of the instructor cut in. "A double forfeit...?" She sounded almost incredulous. "Never has such a thing happened in my class before. It shows a certain disregard for the fighting spirit that every huntress must master. Both of you will be receiving reduced grades for your disappointing display. You may return to the seats now." Rayna could barely process the words - she was a failure. This was horrible, utterly horrible. How could she ever make it at Beacon when not only the teachers had a disregard for her but her fellow students as well? She would just have to scamper back to Atlas with her tail between her legs. Frowning, she allowed her eyes to focus on Priscilla again; she couldn't believe she was going to do this but she had no choice. Failure was not an option. She would win or lose with honour. "Priscilla! Turn that fat ass of yours around and stop being a coward! If you even dare to forfeit without beating me to a pulp, I will never forgive you!" Priscilla turned around listening the voice of the instructor, it was obviously Miss Goodwitch. "Oh...." she didn't want to fail the class... and not be called a looser through out the whole year in the academy. "U-..." she suddenly heard Rayna calling for her and telling her to continue the fight. This made Priscilla a bit angry, she did not have a fat ass. Priscilla turned around and looked down at her buttocks, trying to see where the fat ass word came from. "Hey! I don't have a fat ass! I have a regular shaped butt..." she nodded. "Fine.... if you want to fight, whatever." her eyes locked towards Rayna, telling her to come. "Let's go then." This was better, strangely. Priscilla was angry with her now - she wouldn't hesitate to hurt her but that gave Rayna an edge as well. Before, there was a sense of honour to their battle but now, it was war. Her weapons were on the far side of the room, past Priscilla, but it didn't matter - she didn't need them. "You should have got me when you had the chance. Now are you going to stand gawking or are you going to come and fight?" She taunted her as she raised her fists and spread her feet. She still had her semblance, and she had every intention to use it right now. This girl seriously changed her attitude, not Priscilla but Rayna. "...? Seriously. You can ju-.." she looked at Rayna's weapons far side of the room as she walked towards it and kicked it as it slid the ground to Rayna's feet. "Pick it up and come at me...." Priscilla's eyes still locked at Rayna, not even moving an inch away from her. She had to have her shoulders up! But this time, she wasn't really going to fight but use her semblance for defense. The instructor apparently had never seen a double forfeit, well Rayna was going to surprise her a little more. "I don't need them." She stated clearly before kicking them away, off to the side somewhere. "Now, how about you stop waiting around and come get me? I have no armour and no weapons. Walk in the park, right?" Priscilla rolled her eyes as she dropped her weapon to the ground and walked towards Rayna with both of her fists closed shut. If she wanted to fight with no weapons, ask and shall recieve. Priscilla extended her right hand, attempted to punch Rayna in the face. She didn't know why Priscilla did that but now, the advantage was on Rayna's side. She also didn't know Priscilla's backstory but she herself had been trained to deal with enemies when defeat looked very certain. Not to mention the fact that Rayna was lightning-fast while Priscilla was armoured. She easily dodged to the right of her fist but instead of trading with a punch, her foot rocketed up, attempting to slam into Priscilla's side. Priscilla knew that Rayna was fast actually, she just didn't want to be losing time with this fight. It had to end somehow, either Rayna goes down or Priscilla. It seems both of them forfeiting wasn't a good thing, due to Miss Goodwitch or whatever her name was. As her punch was dodged, she knew that was going to happen. Priscilla was hit on her side, which made her body have a bit of pain, yes it did hurt like hell but this what had to be done. Priscilla placed a hand on her side. "Alright.... you seriously going overboard...." A pause, a lapse in her defences, a fatal mistake. The time was ripe - she had to use her semblance now to properly seal the deal. Her fist jabbed out but she opened her hand instead. Suddenly, seemingly out of thin air, a heavy chain burst from the ground but instead of driving towards Priscilla, it simply slipped between her feet. Rayna had slid forward to meet it and once it was through, she wrapped it once around the confused girl's leg and projected it forward towards the far wall. "Sorry Priscilla." She murmured guiltily before the chain pulled taut and her opponent was yanked off her feet. Unfortunately, her body twisted so she was upside down, which was unfortunate considering she had a skirt on. Priscilla rose an eyebrow at Rayna as she saw her doing some kind of ... power or something? It was like a chain, which grabbed the legs of Priscilla and turned her body upside down, but she quickly covered herself trying to now show nothing from underneath her skirt. "Seriously?! Rayna. Come on!" She grinned hopefully, the awkward feelings of guilt returning once more. The guys in the audience were probably getting some nice views but it had to be done. "Sorry! I owe you. You can do whatever you like... just as soon as I win!" With that, she stared down at her for a second. "You wanna forfeit or will I have to do this the hard way?" Priscilla seriously didn't want the others to see her like this, especially her team! Especially Robert. As she looked at Rayna, angrily. "I don't forfeit no more. I learned my damn lesson, just hurry up and finish me. Since you wanna win so badly." she said rolling her eyes, her hands still on her skirt so it won't fall down, covering herself up. Priscilla could use her semblance but that couldn't happen with both of her hands being busy covering herself up. Rayna sighed a little and scratched her neck. "I didn't mean what I said back there. You have a really nice butt and I might have been a little jealous so it's what I went after! I promise, for being so heroic and coming back to fight me, I owe you a favour. It can be whatever you want and you can cash it in whenever you want. Don't waste it though!" With that, she began the arduous task of bringing Priscilla down into the red zone. Her attacks weren't overly heavy but they were repetitive. Due to her aura though, Priscilla didn't feel a thing and eventually, the match was ended. "Sorry about the whole chain thing! Nice fight." She murmured as she gave a quick wave and the chains evaporated into thin air. Rayna was there to catch Priscilla and she surprisingly did it pretty well, considering her height. "It's Rayna Bryson, by the way. It's a pleasure to have fought you." "Perhaps I was wrong," the voice came again, containing a hint of surprise echoed by all the students--of whom some more than others had been intent on the fight. Ms Goodwitch continued succinctly. "It seemed that all you two needed was a little motivation. Thank you for turning it around. Neither of your grades will be diminished."