[center][b]Appearance: [img]http://s23.postimg.org/91bxy5ewb/HRPG_Gunslinger_Russia_by_koulin.jpg[/img][/b] [b]Name: Elijah Antol[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Age: 22[/b] [b]Skills: [list] [*]Adept Sharpshooter: Years of repetition means Elijah has a near perfect aim, one would be hard-pressed to find another gun user with Elijah's accuracy. [*]Gunslinger: Elijah is able to simply draw his revolver in less than a second, being able to fire off cylinders of death at a moments notice. However, he is still at a disadvantage if a swordsman is in his face at point blank range, as he'd probably get cut down before he can fire any rounds. [*]Fast Reflexes: He can react pretty fast to several situations, but this leads to many snap judgements that don't always favor him in the long run. [/list] [/b] [b] Equipment: Revolver Lever Action Rifle Rations, Sleeping Pack, Weapon Case Cleaning Kits [/b] [b]Personality: Bordering on bombastic, Elijah isn't afraid to make himself known to other people, whether they want to meet him or not. He usually attempts to begin conversations, and is prone to droning on and on. Any insults directed towards him usually leads to indifference or some witty remarks that don't always make sense. He only fights if necessary, and deflects any questions about the people he's killed. [/b] [b]Biography: Elijah was born to a forgettable family in New Torrea. Like any other family, they tried to make things meet, and such, Elijah was sent off to a monastery so they wouldn't have to pay for his food and schooling. Elijah's early days were filled with endless teachers attempting to cram as much knowledge as they could in his head. Elijah found a savior in one of the sponsors of the church, Elijah was taken in by this man and his wife, who treated Elijah as their son, as the missus was biologically incapable of bearing children. The man also happened to be a avid gunsmith. Elijah learned the way of the gun, even self teaching himself at times because even the experts of the field of firearms were relatively rare and offered only limited information. He left the house at the age of 16, and has been spending the other six years of his life as an adventurer and freelance mercenary.[/b][/center]