[b]Collaboration between Guardian Angel Haruki and Tanderbolt[/b] Alan wasn't in the restauraunt by the time Ilya checked, and just as he was about to look around the rest of the building he heard a ping on his radio, signifying that someone rang the doorbell at the security office. He made his way over there, wondering what it was about. When the door was opened, the first sound that would be heard would be the man's swearing and badmouthing of the woman that stood in front of Ilya. She looked to the man in front of her, and she said to him, calm and collected, "Hello, I need this man placed into temporary custody until the rest of police arrive to properly arrest him," This wasn't what Ilya wanted to be dealing with right now. He glanced at the man for a second before turning his attention to the woman. "You don't look like an officer, can I see your badge?" Morgan answered with a nod, "Detective Morgan Reginald," as she handed him her badge, just like she had shown Miss Eliza Brie. She said to him "I was sent after Mr. Raymond Wren, on suspicion of credit card theft and fraud," Ilya grew more irate. "Alright, alright, I'll hold him here. I tell you, there's so many rules here, everything must be done in the proper way. Things are much less formal where I come from." The detective nodded and thanked him before she listened to him gripe about the rules. She answered him somewhat sympathetically, "Paperwork especially can be quite troublesome," Ilya nodded "Well, as long as your doing most of it, I don't mind. Before you leave, there was a man that I have seen around here that I wanted to speak with you about." Morgan nodded lightly, knowing that she was doing most of the paperwork. But when he mentioned that he wanted to talk to her about a man he saw around lately, she raised an eyebrow and she asked "Oh? Is this man causing a problem?" "His name is Alan, and he is a bit of a shady character. I haven't seen him do anything illegal personally, but I have heard rumors. I may have to bar him from the hotel, he is not the kind of person I want hanging around here. I'm just letting you know of courtesy, so you that can be aware of him. I'll send what other information I have over to the department." She listened carefully as Ilya told her about Alan, and once he was done, she nodded and said "I see. Thank you for letting me know," She then asked "Do you have a picture of him? Just in case I happen to see him?" Ilya took a moment to pull up a blurry image from the security cameras and print it out. The video he was flipping through show Alan doing card tricks while surrounded by several teenaged girls, Ilya frowned when he watched it. He gave the picture to Morgan without a word. Morgan took the picture with a "Thank you," to Ilya, and she studied the picture of Alan. She honestly could see why Ilya would be worried. She made sure to commit every single detail that she could see in this picture to her memory. She said to Ilya "Thank you again. I hope you have a good day," She then turned and left the office.