[img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/b63d9d350af544b82c620ddf232be6e8/tumblr_mki311ue571r1f3lfo1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Avon L. Ruhame [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Skills:[/b] Somewhat decent marksmanship, Climbing, Reading, repairing, and bargaining. [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=https://36.media.tumblr.com/a528ca4f6129c8f838c2c582fa5b31f8/tumblr_njbmd7RUwg1rwjpnyo1_1280.jpg] Twenty One Round [/url] [url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/eda8d17ec43100d87f679a48fe0d37ff/tumblr_njbmd7RUwg1rwjpnyo2_1280.jpg] Revolver [/url] with a bag of extra rounds. As well as a back-pack that contains his coin, some miscellaneous personals, and survival/climbing tools. [b]Personality:[/b] Avon isn't an aggressive boy. If it wasn't due to his previous circumstances he wouldn't even carry a weapon on him at all. However, he he isn't a pacifist either. He doesn't take much too seriously and is just trying to enjoy himself and get by in life. Dreams and ambitions of wealth and power elude him for the most part, he just wants to travel and get to know people. He tries to be personable, and does his best to not make many enemies. Even when he gets pissed off, he often lacks some of the fortitude necessary to act upon his anger. This is both a flaw and a blessing to him. It allows him to think a little more before acting out, but also sometimes prohibits action when necessary. [b]Biography:[/b] Born and raised in New Torrea, Avon lifed the life of the middle-class citizen, if such a word can be used in this situation. He and his parents worked as specialty gun-smiths, and were decent at it. They specialized in hand-guns, and were the go-to people when it came to customized weaponry. They could make almost any kind of hand-gun you want, so long as you had the money and the patience for it. However, not much of that matters now. Avon's father was 'persuaded' to help with the expansion. His skills as a gun-smith were needed to keep an edge over the country's newer inhabitants, to help keep them co-operative. However, life at home didn't change all that much. Avon's mother had some skills when it came to smithing as well, even if she wasn't as good as his father. She kept them afloat. A few years went by like that, the two of them working the shops, but as he grew Avon knew this wasn't the kind of job he wanted. Now, he respect his father and mother's work, but after sending letters too and from his dad, he knew he had wanted to explore the world. His mother had no objections, she was actually rather happy. Moving about like that would make it a little harder for the gov't to draft him, not that they would actually try that hard. Plus, it was a mother's job to support her child! However, before he could leave his home and begin to explore, he received two gifts from his dad. The first was a handgun, built to some designs Avon drew up as a child, and the second was a pendant. There was a letter as well, but that was more customary then gifty. However, what wasn't customary was the contents. His father told him about the minister, and what was going on with their country. They didn't hear much about it from their neighbors or friends, being within one of the more patriotic areas. They would hear about how the minister was 'doing god's work' and other things like that. But Avon's father told him what he knew, and what he expected. Now, Avon wasn't always a driven kid, but after hearing what his father was concerned with he couldn't help be interested. So, with his new 'best friend' in hand and both a drive to help and explore, Avon would set off! [b]Others:[/b] N/A