[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Scar%20Lionhart%20-%20Gif_zpsj8lhk62g.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Dominic%20Greyjoy%20-%20Gif_zpsdtk3fedr.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Odette%20Swan%20Cursed%20-%20Gif_zpsdg9becuj.gif[/img] [h1][color=DarkOrange]Scar Lionhart[/color], [color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color] and [color=MistyRose]Odette Swan[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - The Pride Lands[/h2][/center] /"I do not understand your hesitation... He is like a father to me- I know that he will do me no harm Dominic."/ Her long neck extended slightly as she turned her head the light blue orbs of the swan watching his figure as he paced back and forth in front of her his reservations about what she was asking him to do clear on his face and in his posture, lifting her wings from her body just a bit she shook herself off of the dust that had accumulated causing her normally pure white feathers tinged a gentle red from the dirt that lay all around them. Turning her body around she allowed her feet to move her further away from him her gaze lifting up to stare at the large doors towering down over her casting a shadow where she stood waiting for him to come around and make his choice, whether he helped her or not she would still try her best to find a way inside and find a way to once more be with her father even if that meant putting herself in danger. /"Please, listen to me... I will not be able to get in to see him any other way... I have come all this way to see my father, I can not go back to Swan Lake without having at least been in his company. If I went back now, I would endure Rothbart's punishments for nothing."/ Tilting her head to the side slightly she watched two soldiers that were standing guard as they stared in confusion watching on as the two of them conversed though what was so confusing to them she was unsure, slowly waddling her way over to where they stood she began to speak out to them loud honks filling their ears with each word that she spoke, /"Hello, do you mind terribly if you opened the doors? I wish to see my father..."/ Pausing a moment she turned her head back her voice showing him that she wasn't sure why they were staring at her with slight worry their weapons in hand, /"Dominic, why do they not answer me?"/ Dominic, now in human form (thanks to the full moon the night previous), rubbed his temple, stress quite plain on his face. "I understand he's like a father to you, Odette. But if he doesn't know [i]what[/i] you are, there's nothing stopping him from killing you and having swan for dinner! We need a new plan." His stressed expression turned to one of slight amusement as the swan chose to go 'ask' the two guardsmen at the door, knowing they would only hear jumbled honks. "They're only human, as such they can't hear animals the way you and I can." The Guardian explained, planting his hands in his coat pockets. "I'm afraid you'll need me to translate." He added calmly. /"What are you talking about he does not know what I am? He has seen me as a swan, he knows of the curse that I bare upon my shoulders."/ Shaking her head back and forth as she once more made her way over to where he stood she closed her eyes her her wings folding tightly against her body as she let her mind wander back over the time in which Scar had visited Swan Lake and the two of them had gotten to know each other quite well, /"He knows all that I know about my curse, and has given me his word that he will help me to break it one way or another. However if you are so insistent on changing the plan, then please... Tell me what you have in mind and I shall listen..."/ Pulling her head into her chest she furrowed down into the ground at his feet giving off the impression that she was pouting about the fact that he was shooting her idea of asking the guards for help down without so much as a second thought, /"Why must your world be so complicated. I thought it was in the norm that men and women could indeed converse with the animals around them. I did not realize that such a thing was a gift given to the very few..."/ Dominic sighed once again before speaking, "I was there when you met him, he saw you turn [i]into[/i] a girl....there's nothing to say he'll recognize you as a swan if all you can do is honk in his presence. It's a matter of safety and survival. Now, a plan...tell you what, how about I take you inside and offer you as...a gift of sorts, for the king. Once we're inside, I can tell him who you really are, no cooking necessary!" Dominic suggested, practically beaming. Stopping for a moment she lifted her head back up her surprise at his words evident in her sudden change of position her eyes showing a slight hint of pain behind them as she felt hurt by the new piece of information he had given her, /"One moment... You were watching me, even back then, yet you did not find it within yourself to converse with me until I made the choice to leave my prison and venture out into a world in which I know nothing about..."/ Forcing the thought from her mind she turned her gaze back over to stare at the two guards who were standing side by side watching them both with strange looks plastered over their faces until one of them moved away slipping into the castle and out of sight, /"Do you truly think that they will believe that reasoning as that of why you are here with a swan in your possession?"/ Relaxing back down her gaze turned back to where he was standing her eyes searching his as she tried to find the answers to the questions she was asking. Dominic stammered slightly, genuinely unsure how to answer her first query. The time wasn't right? No, that was a foolish answer...before he could think further, he was thankfully spared the subject onto the one at hand. "I'm a very convincing man. Besides, if there's [i]one[/i] thing I know about this king, it's that he's as prideful as can be. No way he'd turn down a gift." Dominic added with an almost dark smile. /"Watch your tongue, and do not speak of my father in such a tarnished light... He is a kind and gentle man with love in his heart, yes he may be a little coarse around the edges, but you do not see him in the ways that I do."/ Pushing away from the ground as she spoke she shot her neck out her beak snapping at his ankles for the quip towards the man she considered herself to be close to. Turning her back to him she lifted her chest up her wings spreading as she flapped them in the direction of the single guard who was now standing alone the other long gone from his side, /"Besides, I do not speak of your ability to convince, but rather of the simple fact that the men standing by the doors have been listening to our conversation from the moment we had arrived. Do you truly thing that you shall be able to pull this off without consequence?"/ "Yes, I think so." Dominic replied, deliberately ignoring her comments on Scar, knowing anything he said would most likely be used against him. "Oh, they heard us....um....good question!" Dominic replied, somewhat unsurely. Closing her eyes she settled herself back down onto the ground her tail feathers twitching from side to side softly against the ground creating a small dust cloud to form before it settled once more around her, /"Even I could see that they were listening to what we have been speaking of. How could you not?"/ Turning her head around to look back at his figure towering over her small and fragile one she paused her speech for a moment her mind trying to think through how they were going to get inside the castle and in turn into an audience with her father, /"Is there any possible thought as to what we must do now to gain entrance?"/ As if on cue, the large, thick stone doors pushed open, allowing the light of the afternoon sun to filter into the otherwise dark castle entry. Squinting a bit and returning his muscled arms to his sides from pushing the doors open, Scar took in the scene before him, looking first at the gangly, tangled-haired man to the soldier who had suddenly straightened his posture, to the swan literally sitting on his doorstep. Knitting his brows together in a slight look of confusion, Scar kept his attention away from the other two and walked to the swan, squatting down on his haunches so as to get on a better level with the bird and tilted his head to the side a bit, trying to catch it's eye. "Malaika?" Remaining silent for the time being, Dominic simply kept his gaze fixed on Scar, a slight bit of apprehension in his eyes. Her head snapped around as she heard the rumbling sound of the large stone doors opening her eyes staring intently as she watched the large and familiar figure that was Scar moving out into the fresh air his eyes flicking from one to the other before coming to a rest upon her, lifting her head up she extended her neck staying silent as he came closer to her crouching down until the two of them were practically eye to eye with one another. At the mention of her name she leant her neck forward her eyes closing as she pressed her small head into his cheek her beak brushing over his skin while she tried to show him that it was her and that no he wasn't just seeing things. Feeling the soft feathers of the elegant creature brushing up against his cheek, his brows furrowed together even further as he pulled back from her a bit, not sure what to make of the physical contact. Keeping himself squatting, however, he lifted up his right arm, the golden swan necklace wrapped around his wrist a few times and clasped together tightly to keep from falling off. The pendant was the only part that dangled down which he moved by swinging his wrist back and forth a bit, unsure what the eyesight of a swan really entailed. "No, you're not Malaika. I specifically told her to stay put where she would be safe." He said after a long while, drawing his arm back to rest on his bended knees, his tone cold and reprimanding despite the obscurity of conversing with a swan. Pulling back as he did she let her eyes flick back and forth searching his for some way in which he would believe that it was truly her and that she was really there even with having disobeyed him to get there, /"Father... Why do you not believe me..."?/ Her voice was exasperated as she let her mind wander her gaze slipping down to his wrist where he had her necklace wrapped securely around his wrist, shooting her neck out she began to peck at the golden pendant forcing it to swing back and forth as she spread her wings flapping in protest, /"I am right here, right in front of your eyes. Please see me..."/ "It's the same girl...Your Majesty." Dominic interjected casually, taking longer than normal to use the formal title regarding Scar's position; even then sounding slightly forced. "She wished to see you here, so I decided to take her. I am Dominic Greyjoy." He added, introducing himself whilst explaining that the swan was indeed, Odette. Scar shot a look over at Dominic, his eyes narrowing on the man in a look that was nothing short of detestation. Extending his arm out, palm flat, he motioned for Dominic to be silent. "You have not been given permission to speak." Scar snapped harshly. He let his dark eyes look back to the soldier still stationed by the doorway and nodded to him once. "Take him to the cell block..." He started, letting his gaze look back over to Dominic as he stood up tall once again. "...for trespassing." /"No, father you can not do that..!"/ Flapping her wings harder she lifted her small frame from the ground her neck extending out as her beak closed around the small gold pendant that hung from his wrist shining in the light of the hot sun, tugging on it as forcefully as she could she let her body swing side to side trying to get the message through to him before he could do something that he would regret. Catching sight of the soldier moving in on her friend she released her grip on the necklace her webbed feet pressing against the guards chest as she began to snap at him warning him to keep back her frustrated honks filling the air around them all, /"Leave him alone! Dominic, say something please, prove to him that this is not the course of action he wishes to take..."/ At once, Dominic's eyes narrowed, itching to brandish his wand from its hiding place. "I wouldn't do that if I were you...the results would be...most painful." Dominic spoke up, his voice calm but rife with suppressed anger boiling inside. "Call off your dog and let us in - [i]please[/i]." Dominic added coldly, looking at Scar once again with a sharp glare. With the swan upon his guard, Dominic was left open. Snarling with his lip curled over his teeth, Scar closed the distance between the two of them, his hulking figure dwarfing the other males as he approached with purpose. "YOU DARE THREATEN YOUR KING?" He roared, similar to that of a lion's. Swinging his arm, the back of his hand connected with Dominic's cheek in a powerful blow. Stumbling back a few feet but not falling down (due to his martial training and balanced stance), Dominic's hand instantly went up to his broken and bleeding cheek, ignoring the sharp stinging pain that became more and more noticeable as the grueling seconds passed. Seeing red and too angry to focus on his injury for the time being, a single flick of his wrist allowed the wand that had been initially hidden in Dominic's sleeve to enter his awaiting palm. Aiming it at Scar's chest, Dominic snarled in return, "Last chance...try and touch me again and I'll flay the skin from your bones, king or not." Mouth twitching, and not in a pleasant way, Dominic kept his gaze locked, a steady trickle of blood trailing down his cheek and sporadically dripping onto the ground below, staining the right side of his face. Managing to push the guard back far enough that there was plenty of space between him and Dominic she turned her head back watching as the scene began to escalate further than it ever should have done in the first place, twisting her body around as she turned her wings shot out behind her body falling slightly as she tried to close the gap as quickly as she could the swan determined to end the conflict once and for all by any means necessary. Pulling her body up as she passed by Scar's feet she spread her wings out as wide as they could go the gentle beating of them keeping her hovering in the one spot her frame separating the two of them from each other as she covered his chest ready to take whatever hit Dominic had in store for the King of the Pride Lands, /"What ever it is you wish to do, you can do it to me instead. Spare his life, and take mine in his place."/ Tearing her gaze away from Dominic's she turned her head around letting her light blue orbs connect with Scar's for only a moment before she turned away again, /"Go. Do it. I will take the pain if it spares my father's life..."/ Anger began to pulse through Scar's blood at the blatant reply he got from the other male, a familiar tingling sensation reaching through to his fingertips, feeling his skin growing incredibly hot. With a single blink, his eyes went from a dark brown to a solid black, but when he blinked again, his eyes connecting with those of the swan, the anger dissipated from his body and his eyes returned to normal. Letting his face fall from his infuriated snarl to his stern neutral look, his eyes looked from Dominic back to the swan and turned his back, heading back inside his castle. His twisted expression faltering, Dominic let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly as he lowered his arm, both hands at his sides. "No...no...you are brave, Odette. I can respect that." He stated in a slightly hoarse tone, his wand returning to his sleeve once again, hidden from view. "Inside. Now, Malaika. Do not make me ask again." Scar said with his back still to the swan. "S-sir?" The guard called out, eyes darting between the swan, the stranger and his king and then back to the stranger. "Leave him." Scar told the soldier dismissively with a wave of his hand. Remaining silent now, Dominic crossed his arms over his chest, watching as Scar forcefully commanded Odette to go inside. "I'll await you out here." He spoke finally, his owl-like stare never faltering. Her wings kept the steady beat allowing her to stay airborne between them as she fell silent watching first the reaction of her father behind her before she turned back listening carefully to the words Dominic was offering her his hand lowering back down to his side showing her that he was no longer going to be a threat... At least not on this day. Her beak opened slightly as she went to reply but her words never made it from her as her fathers instructions hit her commanding her to follow him back into the castle and out of the hot stale air that she was not used to, giving one last glance back at Dominic she closed her eyes nodding her head to show him that she understood what he was saying to her about waiting outside should she need him for any reason. Turning her back to him she let her body mimic Scar's path her feet touching down on the ground once she had made it into the safety of the castle her head lowering and her light blue eyes closing as she continued to follow along behind him though slower due to her no longer finding it polite to fly and spread the dirt on her wings over the floor, tilting her head slightly she chanced a glance up at him before once more lowering it knowing full well that she was in trouble for disobeying his orders in the first place and for causing such a scene out front of his castle in her haste to see him again.