[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Alan.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Daria.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=BurlyWood]Alan Woodard[/color] - [color=LightSeaGreen]Daria Belikov[/color] - Present Day - Lodge Hotel[/h1][/center] Taking the half dozen playing cards in his hand, Alan shuffled them as he would a regular deck of cards. Cutting it, he then picked up the one on top. Looking over the Ace of Diamonds, he eyed the loopy penmanship of a name and phone number. Furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, he tried to decipher the name into something he could understand, or at least try to put a face to the girl who had given him this card. It took a few moments, but he was finally able to make out a 'D' at the beginning of the name and an 'r' towards the middle. "D... who's name started with a D?" Raising his free hand, he scratched the back of his neck; unable to remember the name, but a flash from his learned photographic memory gave him the image of a dark-haired girl with a pair of beautiful hazel-brown eyes. Closing his eyes, Alan forced his mind back to the very point he remembered seeing her. There was a blonde and a red-head with her, the blonde left... Eliza. That's right, he had called them over for a trick; she had said something to him... what was it again? Opening his eyes back up, he smiled. Using his free hand he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his old Nokia flip phone. Glancing at the card every now and then, he punched the numbers into the phone and let it dial, waiting for the other end to pick up. "Daria? It's Magic Man, Alan. What'cha up to?" --- Daria looked over at Eliza and Alan as Annelise pointed them out and smirked. "Even worse, I think she's caught his attention," She said with a little laugh before they were interrupted by a guest who recognized Annelise to be staff and asked to be seated. She nodded her head as the girl excused herself, "I'll see you then." Her eyes then drifted up to the large Russian man who had come into the restaurant behind them before she looked back to the table to see Alan had disappeared. She laughed a little and shrugged before she removed herself from the giant and left in search of more interesting things to do. She didn't get very far before she felt her phone buzzing away in her pocket. She pulled it out to look at the number to see that it wasn't one that she recognized. She pursed her lips a little before she answered it and raised it to her ear. "Hello?" [i]"Daria? It's Magic Man, Alan. What'cha up to?"[/i] Daria smiled at the familiar voice and crossed her arms a little. "To be honest? Both my friends are workaholics and left me all by my lonesome." She looked around the lobby. "Although, I did meet one of your friends. Big, Russian guy... He really seemed to want to know where you ran off to after your little show... Are you just calling for a hiding place?" She teased. "Russian gu-" Alan stopped himself, wincing a bit as he realized who she was talking about. [i]God dammit Illya, just give up already![/i] Alan thought to himself, using the toe of his shoe to kick at the wall lamely. "Naw, don't worry about him baby girl, I'm good with hiding places." He answered her. "I was just calling to ask when you wanted to go and get a drink with me, since I already know your answer would be yes if I asked, so I'm just saving us some time here." He finished confidently. Daria smirked a little when he reassured her that he'd be able to find a hiding place before he asked her when she wanted to get a drink with him. She laughed a little. "Someone's confident," She said as she leaned against a nearby wall. She checked the clock that hung behind the front desk before she continued. "How about now?" She smirked, "I feel like you aren't the kind of guy who is above day drinking." Alan had to laugh at that, his smile reaching the corners of his eyes. Okay, so maybe he wasn't the [i]only[/i] one good at reading people. "Damn, I've been caught. But hey, if that gets me a date with you then I ain't complaining." Chuckling a bit again, he stuffed the rest of the playing cards back into his pocket. "Now huh? Well aren't we an eager beaver? Yeah I can do now so long as you aren't against going off site to a bar or something. I... uh, kinda need to be scarce around here for a bit..." Daria played with her fingernails as Alan spoke before she placed her head back against the wall. "Well, there is a little hitch in your plan... Considering I can't legally go into bars-" "Ah, yeah, didn't think about that." Alan cut in, running his hand down his face, slightly frustrated with himself for having forgotten something as important as her age. Not that age had ever stopped him before; rules were meant to be broken. "Tell you what, you tell me what you like to drink and I can meet up with you somewhere; you're staying here at the lodge right? Just you to the room?" "That it is," Daria said with a smile as she pushed off the wall and headed towards the elevators, "Get me whatever you're drinking... But make it something strong." She pushed the up button before she looked up as she waited, "I'm on the fifth floor. Room 514," The elevator doors opened, "I'll meet you up there... You got all that?" "Something strong, room 514. Got it. Gimme about thirty minutes alright?" Smiling, Alan hung up the phone and put it back into his pocket. Not having the greatest cell phone plan, that conversation probably cost him a few bucks, but he had more than made up for it with the small trinkets he had plucked off of the unsuspecting watchers in the lobby that morning. Now he just needed to find a liquor store... --- Almost thirty minutes on the dot, Alan reached the fifth floor and found room 514. Clutching a large brown paper bag under one arm, he used his opposite hand to knock on the door before leaning his arm against the door jamb waiting for her to answer. Daria heard the knock on the door and headed over to it. She had long since discarded her winter gear, letting it dry in the closet, and turned on the fire. She opened the door to find Alan on the other side and smiled at him before she looked over her shoulder at the clock on the wall. "As punctual as you are confident," She said before opening the door a little further to let him into her large room that looked more like incredibly nice apartment than a hotel room. She closed the door behind him and put on the dead bolt before she walked to the couch and sat on the arm. "What did you get us?" "Naturally." Alan replied coyly, ducking into the room and getting a good look at the place she was staying in. He let out a loud, high whistle, unable to help comparing his own apartment back in Manhattan to the hotel room. "Man, baby girl's got dough!" Laughing a bit, shaking his head, he made his way over to the couch where she sat down, placing the brown paper bag on the coffee table in front of her and pulled out two different bottles. "Ninety-nine strawberries tequila, and root beer float vodka." He announced proudly, though unable to help to shake the feeling now that he knew her financial status if he would have been better off with a hundred-dollar bottle of scotch or something... but he had yet to find a girl worth that much money to him for just a one night stand. Daria spun around on the arm of the chair so that she was facing him when he pulled out the two bottles of alcohol before she stood and hopped over the back of the couch and grabbed a couple shot glasses. "Shots it is," she said with a grin as she returned to the couch and sat down next to him, "I see you don't care of the raw taste of alcohol." She teased a little about his flavored choices before she put the glasses down on the coffee table. She opened the vodka bottle and poured it into two of the shot glasses, trying to fill them as much as possible. She took them both and handed one to Alan. "To day drinking," She toasted jokingly before she threw the drink back. She sat there a moment taking in the interesting taste of the vodka before laughing a little. "Not too bad." Sitting down on the couch, watching her join him and pour their drinks, he took the one handed to him and nodded in approval. Waiting until she took her drink, he reciprocated the motion and downed his own without even so much as flinching. "The idea of just straight up booze crossed my mind." He said after exhaling out a refreshing breath from the drink. "But with the added flavors, it adds a bit of flavor to the make-out session that’s about to follow." Without even so much as blinking, he reached forward, taking her glass from her and filled them both up again, handing hers back to her. "Hey, it's five-o-clock somewhere." He replied with a grin and then tilted his head, slamming back his second shot of vodka. Daria laughed at his reasoning to his choices and nodded her head a little before she took back the glass he had so swiftly taken and returned. She brought it to her lips. "I never thought the Root Beer Float would be considered a titillating flavor." She opened her mouth and leant her head back, allowing the liquid to slip out of her throat. The moment the drink was down, she took Alan's cup and refilled them both again and smirked at him before finishing off her third shot. She moved a little closer to him and leaned against the back of the couch, her hand resting in her hair. She could already feel the alcohol starting to affect her, as a buzzed feeling took over. She smiled at him. "So... Why magic?" "Magic is easy." He replied with a shrug, not wanting to get into the real reason he picked it up; how it made him feel closer to home. "Pays well when I apply myself and allows me vacation time whenever I want. So long as there are people around, I've got a job, I don't have to be tied down anywhere, worry about answering to a boss, have to worry about other people working under me... it's just me, I only need myself." Staring down his third drink, he eventually brought it to his lips and drained it of its contents, setting his now empty shot glass back down on the table next to hers. "That and it's kind of easy to impress the girls." He added, changing his tone back to his arrogant, snarky self. Her fingers reached out and brushed a small strand of his hair out of his face before she dropped it back into her lap. "You seem like someone who likes to be by himself... When he isn't putting on a show that is." She pointed at him. "Like that. The suave act. Making every girl feel like the only girl." She laughed a little and filled her own glass again before filling his, although she left it on the table to let him choose if he was going to drink it or not. "When we both know what kind of guy you are." She tilted her head back again then returned her glass to the table. "Wanting to be alone unless there's a girl in your bed." "Doesn't [i]have[/i] to be my bed." Alan cut in with a wink, reaching for the newly filled shot glass and quickly drained it down. "This is getting far too personal for a one night... day?... stand." She moved on the couch so that she was on her knees and looked at him before she pressed her lips against him for the second time that day. Although, this time it wasn't as innocent as the first. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline, his eyes remaining open just long enough for him to maneuver his hand to set the empty shot glass back down on the coffee table. He had been able to pick up that she was forward, but not [i]this[/i] forward. Had he known that, he could have probably saved himself a few bucks on booze. Moving his hands to her lower thighs, just above her knees, he pulled her onto his lap until she was straddling his waist as she faced him. Returning her kiss once she was positioned on him more comfortably, he wrapped an arm around her, holding onto her small waist while the second one began to finger at the hem of the neck of her shirt. Daria let him move her as he wanted as she kept contact with his lips. She leaned into him as his arm found its way around her waist and felt him returning her kiss. Her hand covered his that sat at her hem of her neckline before she pulled away from the kiss and rested back on his thighs. She smiled at him. "Root Beer Float.... Who'd have thunk..." She twisted and grabbed the tequila bottle. "Shall we add some strawberry?" She joked before she opened it. All etiquette aside, she took a swig straight from the bottle and flinched from the burning sensation before handing it to him. Once her hands were free of the bottle they found the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head, tossing it to the side. She smiled at him before taking the bottle. "Thank you," She said quietly before she rose the bottle to her lips again. "I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth." Alan replied with a light chuckle as she turned to retrieve the tequila bottle. Watching with a small sense of awe as she drank from the bottle he then took it quietly as she handed it over to him. Leaving it from his lips, he instead watched her strip herself from her shirt, his eyes looking over the beautiful dark skin on her figure but was brought back to looking at her eyes as she took the bottle back from him. "By all means, as much as you want baby girl." A smirk played on Daria's lips as he seemed to tease her about her drinking. She reached forward and placed the bottle on the table that sat directly behind the couch with some kind of tacky lamp sitting on it, pressing her chest into his face for half a moment. She placed her hands on either side of his head and looked down at him. "Oh shut up," she gave him a small smile before she kissed him again. --- Daria opened her eyes to find herself lying on her side and looked down to find Alan's arm around her waist. They had curled up in the bed, under the sheets, after they discarded the quilt due to it being.... a little messy. She pulled some of her sheets into her hand and smiled, of course the bed wasn't the only thing that was messy. She sat up onto her arms and leaned across the bed to pick up the phone. She spoke in a low voice to avoid waking up Alan. "Hi..." She said quietly to the person at the front desk, "I was wondering if you could send a maid up to room 514... It needs a bit of a wipe down. Thanks." She hung up the phone and climbed out from Alan's arms and out of the bed before she tiptoed around the room. She found her wallet and placed a hundred dollar bill into the tip box for the maid to get, after all, Daria would hate to have to go and clean up after Alan and herself. With that dealt with, she walked into the bathroom and cleaned herself up a bit. She fixed her hair and washed her face before she fixed up her simple makeup. Finally, she headed back over to the bed and climbed back in. She got close to Alan and draped one of her legs over his. She looked at his sleeping face for a moment before she whispered, "Daddy, better wake up before I go get the ice cubes and whip cream." Flitting an eye open lazily, Alan's blue eye met with Daria's hazel browns and smirked a bit, rolling his head face-down into the pillow and moved his arms to hold tight to the pillow as if it were about to disappear out from underneath him. "I don't think we left any in the can..." He mumbled into the pillow before giving up on getting in any more sleep and rolled himself over onto his back, lifting his arm to run his fingers through his mess of brown hair. With a bit of a groan, he forced himself up into a sitting position and ran his fingers through his hair again, trying to blink away the sleep still in his eyes. Opening his mouth and letting out a rather loud yawn, stretching out his arms up and over his head in a few directions, he took inventory of the state they had left the bedroom in, catching sight of his pants at the doorway but his boxer shorts still unaccounted for, let alone his shirt and shoes. "Any idea where-" "Your boxers are in your jeans, your shirt is in the living room, and your shoes are by the door," She smiled at him as she sat up. Her head was still buzzing from the alcohol but she felt like she had a pretty good hold on herself and surroundings. Drunk but not sloppy. She stole a kiss before she climbed over him and started to gather her own clothing, putting it back on in reverse order. When her panties and jeans were on, she headed to the door and grabbed his pants and boxers before she walked out of the room. She draped them over her arm as she picked up her bra and put it on. Then she walked over to the chair by the window and grabbed one of her lace underpants that she had used on him earlier and stuck it in his pocket before she tossed his jeans over the back of the couch and gather the other undergarment and put it in her own back pocket. Finally, her own shirt came into mind and she looked around. "Have you seen my shirt?" She called to him as she looked around. Grateful that at least [i]one[/i] of them had their wits about them (despite him actually being the sober one) Alan remained sitting on the bed for a while, shaking off his sleep-induced state before forcing himself out of the comforts of the warm bed. Following her out and finding his clothes gathered up for him on the couch he began to dress himself, head on a swivel as he looked around for any sign of the shirt she was looking for. Catching a glimpse of the familiar color of fabric between the couch cushions, he simply pointed it out to her as he hopped around on his feet a bit to pull his pants back up. "Hey, keep the booze. On me, yeah?" He said with a quirky grin. The flavors were fun, but he had no interest in drinking it on his own; preferring either beer or straight up when he drank alone. Daria climbed onto the couch when he pointed her shirt out for her and pulled it out from between the cushions. She looked at it as she held it, slightly confused as to how it got there before she pulled it on over her head. She looked at him when he told her to keep the alcohol for herself and nodded her head as she moved to kneel against the arm rest. "Alright but," She caught one of his belt loops as he hopped around. "I'll pay the next time you call me." "You did pay me... six times you paid me." Alan replied, keeping his grin on his face looking rather pleased with himself. Her fingers made quick work of his button, zipper and belt for him before she stood and headed over to the door. She picked up his shoes and leaned against the wall by the entrance. "I suppose that means we are both leaving each other with something to remember tonight by." She joked, smirking as he had yet to notice the present in his back pocket. Quirking an eyebrow as he watched her fingers work quickly with helping him, he couldn't help but to notice the added bit of weight in his back pocket at her words. His smile, twisting into a rather dirty smirk, reached his hand back, patting his back pocket, feeling the lump of her underwear there. "Booze for underwear. I can't help but to feel like I got the better end of the deal here." Pulling back from her a bit, he moved to slip his shoes on, not having to bother with the laces as they were already tied up. "Tonight doesn't have to be the end of it baby girl, you got my number and I got yours. Keep your phone on ya, I might be givin ya a ring later." "We're at four - six... I think I got the better end of everything," Daria said, letting her arm drop back to his side as he took his shoes back and slipped them on. She pushed herself off the wall and ran a hand through her hair. She closed the distance that he had just created between them and moved her hand from her hair to his chest and patted it a couple times, "I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest." She rose to her toes and gave him one last kiss as her hand moved to the door handle. When she pulled her lips away from his, she opened the door and leaned against the edge. "See you around... Daddy." "Count on it." Alan replied with a wink before heading out of the room and back into the hallway of the lodge hotel. Reaching into his pocket he fished out his old Nokia phone and checked the time, having to laugh at the amount of time he had spent in one place.