Janet sighed and walked past Daryl who was standing by the table the girls where playing on. He nodded at her as she passed, and she nodded back; Daryl then went back to his task of checking over his crossbow bolts for any damages. He didn't much care for the out come of the game, but watching the sisters play was a nice way to pass the time. Janet, and Daryl had a close bound that wasn't sexual in anyway. They both knew that if shit had hit the fan they would have each others back, that much was proven when they spend the winter after the farm in the wild. Sam just watched as Janet left and laughed some. "That's what she gets for making me learn poker." Sam laughed picking up all of the cards and shuffling the cards together then pulled out her gun to start cleaning it. Janet made her way to her cell and crawled into bed. She knew that soon she was going to go on a run with Rick, and Sam for some supplies so she wanted to rest a bit.