Viktor starred dully at the instrument panel before him, his hands working whilst his mind was elsewhere. He finished with the recalibrations before pushing away softly as he continued to think about everything that could go wrong with the upcoming spacewalk, drifting weightlessly for a few moments before the crackle of the comms panel brought him back into focus as the familiar voice of Ellie Tavistock reached his ears. [b]"Calling the crew for EVA #57, for the Greenhouse Work to Engineering Airlock. Get yourselves down here within the next five minutes. Thank you."[/b] His stomach lurched and did a little backflip as he groaned and ran both of his hands through his hair hesitating for a moment longer as apprehension filled him, taking yet another moment to reassure himself silently. [i]‘It’ll be fine’[/i] he said to himself [i] ‘You’ve done it before, you’ll do it again. Just focus, get the job done and get back’.[/i]He knew that the build up was the worst part for him, bringing himself to actually just get out there, but once he was out there and working he’d relax a little and stop focusing on all of the worst case scenarios that could present themselves. Starting to look pale as a spectre Viktor began the short journey through the station, floating along and using his arms to pull and push himself where he needed to go, the novelty of weightlessness having long ago faded and now the lack of direction and forces acting simply frustrating him whenever something slipped from his grasp. When combined with the almost constant exercise regime he had to endure he was definitely looking forwards to returning back to the sweet sweet earth and its wonderful gravitational field. As he neared the airlock module where the rest of the EVA team would be waiting he paused at one of the small windows and spent a brief moment gazing down at the world, as always the sight being somewhat humbling and breathtaking even after all of this time. His eyes flicked over towards the exterior of the greenhouse, the numerous bits of scaffolding and machinery drawing his attention as he imagined that shortly he’d be out there floating in the abyss with little more than a tether and thin layer of suit protecting him from certain death, his eyes focusing briefly on the inky darkness that loomed in the background of his vision. “Chyort voz'mi...” he mumbled to himself, cursing in his native tongue as he often did as his nerves still panged almost painfully at him. A few moments later he propelled himself into the module, seeing that already Ellie and the Canadian Stienhauer were there preparing as usual, with the observer... something King it was, floating with a huge grin spread across his features. Still pale and a little shaky Viktor neglected to say anything to the others and moved right towards his suit, the American flag emblazed on the shoulder glaring back at him as if to taunt him a little as he quickly started to prep it and himself. He sweated a little as he did, though the sight of Ellie calmed him a little – simply because he trusted in her abilities and role, something he had quickly learned on his first few walks as she always had the patience to deal with him and reassure him [i]if[/i] needed. If it wasn’t for her he was sure that after his first spacewalk he’d have flat out refused to ever do it again. Then there was Stienhauer, the capable Canadian who was more than familiar with these kinds of walks. All in all he was happy with the crew of the walk, each of them being an expert within their role, and with plentiful enough experience outside the station to get the job done as quickly as possible. Viktor didn’t know much about King, their observer, but he figured that he would stay out of the way whilst they did what they needed to do whilst he filmed and took pictures, and as long as he didn’t distract them there wouldn’t be any problems, though he did slightly envy the man as he glanced again over towards him, his excitement practically oozing out of him as he was also preparing his suit for the walk.