Here's the first guy... not sure if I'm going to make a second or not... Appearance: Adrian's appearance can only be described as ordinary. Nothing in particular sticks out about the man. He has no defining scars. His eyes and hair both are brown in color. He doesn't look overly muscular, nor is he thin. He has no tattoos or piercings. He doesn't wear jewelry or flashy clothing. He simply is a person with no spectacular features. Name: Adrian Thane Race: Human Esper Age: 25 Personality: Adrian is a friendly guy that could easily be described as an optimist. He puts a positive spin on even the worst of news. He doesn't believe that all supernaturals are enemies, even though he does believe that some are too dangerous to just be walking around doing whatever. He always tries the diplomatic option first whenever he can with dealing with supernaturals, always hoping that they'd willingly turn themselves in. He doesn't particularly like fighting. He does feel that some of the less dangerous or proven to be safe supernaturals should be allowed to move around more freely with some way to contact the S.D.O. if something does happen. Adrian really does prefer forests and nature over cities, but he can't complain can he? Bio: Since he could remember, Adrian could sense magic. When he was a child he didn't quite understand what it was when he felt something different about some people. Slowly as he grew up he began to realize what it was that he had. His first reaction when he realized was fear, but then he decided that if he chose to work for the S.D.O. then all would be fine. His testing process was difficult, but he surprisingly earned rank 2 after all was done. Now, he wants to prove himself and move forward in the organization. Equipment: Communication device for reporting supernaturals. Glock Handgun, he always has two full extra clips. Chest holster for concealed carry. Power: He has the ability to detect magic and he can't turn it off! Places particularly filled or strong with magic often make him dizzy or even give him headaches until he eventually gets used to it. Theme-song: Syd Matters - Obstacles Allegiance: S.D.O. Other: (I'm not sure if) Unicorns are real but (I'm) so (sure that) are bullets. Department: Reconnaissance and Supernatural Detection Rank: Rank 2 Expertise: Blending with crowds as he doesn't particularly stick out.