[h2][color=lightblue]THE BATTLE IS JUST ABOUT TO BEGIN[/color][/h2] Everything seemed to be going well, and if it weren't for Caleb's tardiness and failure to spot the orcs creeping up behind them beforehand, they wouldn't have been in that mess. [i]"No matter."[/i] Caleb wiped away the sweat from his palms and tightened his grip around the swords. The pale orcs held their weapons threateningly high, looking the humans dead straight in the eyes as they approached the party with snorts and giggles. They began to circle the group like ravenous vultures, eyeing them like carcasses ripe for the picking. Little did they know, The Black Order was definitely not known for losing their spirit so early on in fights. The two ambushers stood in front of a burlier-looking creature, possibly as body blocks. When he saw Silus charging at the orcs, that was all the initiative the boy needed. Sighing, he took one last glance at Llynn before he jumped into the inevitable. Caleb swiftly launched himself off the branch and landed right in front of the orc that wielded a cutlass. Squinting, Caleb gave the orc a quick once-over and sidestepped just in time to avoid a clean decapitation from the brute. Breathing a quick sigh of relief, that momentary peace had only lasted for so long until a different orc tugged at his cloak from behind and pulled him to the ground. The brute slammed a leg onto the young man's plated chest hard enough to put a slight dent in it. Caleb gasped for air as tears welled up in his eyes. Slowly beginning to lose consciousness, he reached out to feel for his swords and succeeded. One thing lead to another, as Caleb could barely comprehend at this point. Coughing and spluttering, he thrust the twin swords up the orc's groin all the way into his stomach region and slid them back out. The exhausted brunette merely laid there as the blood dripped onto his face from the gashing orc's body. Caleb regained his composure just a few seconds before the orc's companion smashed his head into oblivion, thanking gods that he never believed in. His eyes were still rather hazy but he managed to make out the squealing figure that wriggled on the ground in a pool of blood. At that moment, Caleb's panicked train of thoughts were pleasantly interrupted by wondering when the damn creature was going to finally bleed out-- he was a rather big thing, after all. The adrenaline-rushed boy ran towards the orc with the battle-axe, who was momentarily distracted by his unfortunate comrade. Caleb dodged the obvious downward swing of the creature's weapon, choosing just the right time to slice away at the brute's joints as its momentum was too much for it to bear. One or two slices of his blades were enough to weaken the orc around his arms-- though it was rather hard considering orc skin was similar to that of rough, hardened plastic and rubber. Looking back at his work, Caleb smirked and wiped away the grime that the previous orc stained his face with. Satisfied, he walked back towards the tree he was perched on, but not before he let loose one more strike at the orc's forehead so as to blind his vision with the downpour of blood. [i]"You're rather unlucky. I could've handed you both a faster death."[/i] The young man smiled at them both-- one on the ground yelling and gripping his crotch; and one running around in circles, frantically rubbing the blood away around his eyes and temples. He could see Silus swinging away at an orc with all his might further out in the fields, only running back once he was finished dealing with his opponent. Caleb casually walked back to his post so they could all time their attacks right this time.