VICTOR GLADE VS. GREYSON ORTEGA Victor heard his name called and rose to enter the arena, he hadn't paid much attention to the previous fights, and he was far too focused on making sure he could fix his arm. [i]Damn I hope this holds[/i] Dropping down Victor made his way to the far side, finally looking back to see his opponent. -- Greyson was only awake when Pricilla got called up to fight and he really just cheered her on through it and afterward just fell back asleep. Greyson waited until he heard his name called and he woke up quickly rubbing his eyes and he went down to the arena ready to fight Victor whoever he was then Greyson saw that he had no arm. As a handicap not so long ago he felt a little bad for fighting "Um professor do we really need to fight? I’m not sure if I can." -- Victor felt nervous and drained, he feared he wasn't quite recovered from yesterday's battle with Catapult, adding the fact that this Greyson guy looked tough and his sword was rather intimidating. When he heard the guy's protests though, Victor quickly lost that. "Hey! I'm a student as well jerk! I passed the test; I'm a part of a team, just like you. I'm missing an arm, so what!? Let's get on with this Professor. I can do this." falling into a combat stance Victor waited for the round to start. -- Greyson sighed a little remembering how it was for him when people thought he couldn't do things when he was in a wheelchair so he must have insulted the guy and he started to apologize "I'm sorry I don't mean it like that it’s just I don't feel comfortable-" but before he could finish the professor called for the match to start. -- Without the slightest hesitation Victor charged in, ignoring his fatigue, jumping up and coming down on Greyson, metal elbow first into his shoulder, before punching him in the liver with a quick left. Backing off slightly Victor made a low kick at Greyson's knee. -- Greyson was about to stop him but before he could he got elbowed by the robo-elbow into his own shoulder and that hurt no question about it as Greyson groaned softly and he took the punch to the liver but that was where he drew the line "Fine you want a fight like anyone else so be it!" Greyson growled and just before he made a sweep at Greyson’s leg Greyson froze in place using his semblance making Victor freeze in mid sweep which gave Greyson the shot he needed "Batter up!" Greyson said with a slightly evil grin as he turned the blade to the dull end not wanting to really hurt and he gave him a hard hit to the gut forcing him back a few feet then Greyson went on the offensive and started to charge loading round after round on him to keep on his toes. -- Victor was amazed, mid motion he was brought to a sudden stop [i]Damn this can't be good[/i] and it wasn't, he saw the blade come to a crushing stop in his stomach, the sheer force of the blow knocking Victor across the arena and the air from his lungs. Rolling to a stop he finally had time to answer Greyson’s taunt. "Of course I want to fight like anyone else! I AM LIKE ANYONE ELSE!" Victor retreated, running away from the shotgun blasts [i]Well this sucks, I hope this can take it[/i] punching his left fist into his right hand Victor twisted his wrist and his right arm came off, and covered his left in what looked like an armour, until you got to where the hand would be. In its place was an energy cannon. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that one of the panels was slightly misaligned. This worried Victor, but he had no time to think about it, he could feel the shotgun shells getting closer. Jumping to his left Victor found himself cornered, standing his ground Victor aimed his cannon and started charging the beam. -- Greyson kept charging and shooting him knowing he was right he was like anyone else but a few misunderstood words made Greyson seem like an ass. It would be hard to be friends with him now but for now Greyson had to focus making sure to corner him and make him submit seeing how he was moving his mechanical arm a certain way Greyson concluded that without the arm he wouldn't be able to fight so if Greyson could get it into a join lock unsure if it would have any effect since it metal. Greyson rushed him now that he was in the corner and seeing his arm look more like a gun which meant he would fire and that equalled a big blast of power being shot Greyson’s way so he had to think fast and decided to go with shooting it in a different direction. Carefully aiming his next shot Greyson caught Victor’s wrist right before he finished making the shot miss Greyson by a few inches, but it was a miss with no success which mean it was Greyson’s chance to strike. He rushed in as quickly as he could bringing his sword up to strike Victor down. -- [i]This is going to be close, so very, very close. It's not charging like it used to, I better do some maintenance when I get back[/i] With this last prayer Victor could tell that he was in trouble, a broken panel had altered energy flow and he was more worried than usual about the recoil. Eyes widening he saw Greyson's shotgun blast knock his arm to the side just as it fired. The new angle caused the recoil to rip Victor's arm back into the wall. Victor's aura had been drained enough that when it hit the wall he felt a pop as he saw the blast hit the opposite wall causing him to fall to the ground. Screaming in shock more than pain Victor knew he wouldn't be able to continue. His left arm was dislocated and was now down two arms, cornered and he was running on the last fumes of his aura. Knowing when he couldn't continue Victor yelled "I forfeit!" looked up and saw that Greyson's blade was inches away from his head. As the dust settled, a clear, calm voice sliced through the tension separating a floored Victor and the blade of Greyson. "With that, the duel is concluded. Congratulations, Mr. Ortega, for your decisive victory." Apparently, even Ms. Goodwitch had been impressed by the sudden turning of the tides. "And if Mr. Glade has any trouble walking, please help him on his way back to the bleachers." Getting up to leave Victor leaned against the wall before using it to force his arm back into it's socket, clenching his jaw to prevent yelling out. After hearing Ms. Goodwitch's comments Victor simply muttered "I'm fine, thank you." and after returning his right arm to it's rightful place Victor left the arena.