After a couple minutes of stunned silence from the humans and swaying from the plant, the plant suddenly shrunk back down to its tiny, mossy shrub of a self that it had been inside of the terrarium just as quickly as it had grown. The little plant lay on the ground unmoving. Ronnie slowly peeked out from behind his arms to see that he was cowering for nothing. Embarrassed, he walked over to Harry, still sure to avoid the previously threatening plant. "What in the world wuz thayut? Did you do sumthin' ter it, or did it jus' grow awl on its own?" Ronnie was still trembling. He looked down and saw the jug of green liquid still in his hand and his other, outstretched hand with the ring on it. "And what's all this? Did you do sumthin' ter that plant? Is that—is that a Green Thumb Ring??" Ronnie's voice raised in pitch with each question.