[quote=@The Patriarch] [quote=@Robeatics] [quote=@The Patriarch] [quote=@Robeatics] [quote=@The Patriarch] Official government surveys showed that women commit a great amount of domestic abuse, also there are official surveys that show that women specifically mothers hold the majority in abuse against children, but of course feminists never talk about that because it undermines their propaganda of making women look superior to men. I care about men's rights otherwise I would be a white knight believing everything that the feminist movement told me. I fully support father's rights and have plenty of proof of how terrible the custody courts are and how divorce and child support can literally take away all of a man's money and not be allowed to see his kids. [/quote] Look guy, all you're doing is inaccurately defining the majority of feminism and listing off problems in society that feminists seek to rectify. Just because their movement focuses on women doesn't mean that they believe women should be superior or that we should all ignore men's problems completely. [url=http://m.mic.com/articles/88277/23-ways-feminism-has-made-the-world-a-better-place-for-men]Look here, it has plenty of links to sources.[/url] [url=http://i.word.com/idictionary/feminism]Also here.[/url] [url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/feminism]And here.[/url] [url=http://www.safercampus.org/blog/2011/03/essential-concepts-how-patriarchy-and-rape-culture-hurt-men/]And here too.[/url] [/quote] But the fact is you can't seem to handle the idea of critics of feminism, that's why people view it like a religion [/quote] I can handle criticism when it isn't based around false information and assumption. I want to clear up the misconceptions, which I hope I did here. [/quote] my criticisms are true and all of the hateful things that MRA about are words that feminists have said. As I said I am going keep exposing the movement for what it is and people are waking up. More and more people are abandoning feminism and joining men's rights. We are fairly diverse. [/quote] [url=http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2014/04/15/survey-reveals-mens-rights-activists-are-almost-entirely-white-17-to-20-years-old]Very diverse.[/url] Listen. If you really want to say that droves of people are becoming MRAs, why? What about Men's Rights Activism is superior to feminism? I've already proven that feminism helps people of every gender, class and race. The only people I can imagine who would consider being against feminism would be people who know nothing about feminism at all. If you really want to go down the "MRAs vs. Feminism" road: Give me a sales pitch for Men's Rights Activism without mentioning feminism. Assume I'm a prospective activist, but I'm on the fence about the two movements. If the only thing your version of the Men's Rights Movement has going for it is that it's [i]not[/i] feminism--despite having pretty much the same goals--what's the point? What do MRAs do or try to do for men of color? LGBTQ men? Abused men? Male victims of sexual violence? Male victims of abuse? If feminism helps all of these groups, what is the point of MRAs struggling against it? Aren't they only hindering men?