With a shake of her head, Tina swore that she saw something out the corner of her eye going behind the bus, but didn't pay it much mind. Must have been a bit of a daydream or some sort of gas cloud. Like swamp gas. But were they anywhere near a swamp? Oh well. She continued to watch the people enjoying her family's treats before setting down her skateboard and stepping on the deck in preparation to head off to... somewhere. She was pretty much free for the rest of the day, as far as she knew. Her step-father had told her to come out here and advertise their goods, but she didn't end up leaving until her mother asked. He didn't run the bakery at all anyway, he just liked to tell her what to do. She clicked her tongue in disapproval as she dismissed the thought. Her attention wasn't on her daydreams for long however, as she saw within the KFT that an employee took a short drop and a sudden stop, colliding with the floor in a rather dangerous fashion. She planted her foot firmly on her board and pushed off, looking both ways before leaving the sidewalk and rolling across the street. As she passed the bus completely, she noticed that two of the wheels had been removed entirely since the time that it had stopped. Now she knew that something was up, because it took her longer than that to remove the trucks on her board, let alone a bus wheel, LET ALONE two of the monsters. She could only shrug and look around with suspicion in her eyes, as she felt as if she saw another something just outside of her peripheral vision. She felt the need to show-boat a bit, and fulfilled her need by ripping a kickflip as she mounted the curb on the other side of the street. her stomach grumbled to remind her that she still felt a little hungry and had to ask herself, should she stop and get something to eat here? [s]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/s] Meanwhile, in the dark of the forest just outside of town, a fuzzy shape stirs in the hollow of a tree. It climbs down from its sleeping perch on long, gangly arms and stands upright, taking a quick moment to peek out of the tree with its big, red eyes. With a look left and a look right to confirm that no one was there, it nods before coming out completely. It looks to be a boy covered in fur. Almost a boy that is, except for its long ape-like arms and the kite-like wings that started at the top of its head and ended at its heels. With a small flap and a short hop, it gains altitude and latches onto another tree with its talon-tipped fingers. Making no delay, it climbs into the coverage of the branches to get a better look at the town of Califum. What a wondrous place to be able to live. Roland almost envied the humans in that they got to live in such an interesting and shiny place. He loved the forest, but only so much and there was only so much you could do out here. As he sat in the branches, he debated taking another trip into the bustling human paradise when the dark of night fell. Maybe he just might today.