@cuttlebones Good question. It is something I plan to do through one fashion or another. The short answer is yes. The long answer is that as far as anyone knows, you’re light doesn't get stronger, you just get more efficient at using it. Progression will be a natural thing and everyone will be promoted at some point, but there may also be an event that sends you to the next level, which in this world would be an unprecedented occurrence. So short answer again, yes. @AiyvaGuard If you are still around there is still a spot open for you. Even if we start the hunt you can just pop in. @All Ok, so the first post is a thing. Much longer than I intended, but I wanted to paint a picture of what is going on now. Be in the office or don’t be in the office, I will give you guys warning before I force us into the hunt. Feel free to use Jasmine as you want or make up another secretary. I’d just rather you not be off fighting something.