[h3]Iron Thunder[/h3] The clanks of the steel clashing against the railway is powerful, almost deafening for those who stood beyond the safe confines of the Equitium armor, no one man could seemingly stand against its might. Suddenly, the ground quaked, the sky soared and the sound of immesurable power, deafening thunder, divine righteousness echoed the heavens, fifty kilometers in every direction it would still roar dominant. The cannons of the Eisen Mammoth roared, and some twenty kilometers to the west rolled the Eisen Blitz II. Treacherous silence then emerged, an uneasy silence of fear and despair. Sudden like the thunder crashing down towards the earth from the heavens, many times interprented as the punishment from the Gods, the shells of hellish power crashed down upon a small village and everywhere in the surrounding vicinity. An entire village was reduced to ash within the duration of a couple minutes, festivals in approval to their disagreement to the ways of the union. People cheering and rallying on the streets. Even a couple being married in the local church. All of these things were reduced to ash within an instant. All which once was is now turned to ash, red ash, colored by the peoples blood, and their unwanted beliefs. Many kilometers away, inside the confines of the Eisen Blitz II, stood its commander, drinking a casual piece of coffee to the sound of classic, majestic, and classic Strauz composition, fourth verse. The train was on its way to the closest section, then it would unbark its troops and the grounds would be searched. No one would be allowed to spread unwanted conspiracies. [h3]Innocence[/h3] Cheers, laughter, and joy. No one would be happier than the people of Helingrad. They finally took their resolve against the Men of Iron and their hellish methods. Finally they had taken a stand. No longer would they follow along the ways of the military, no longer would they have to stay silent and give all they had just so that they may survive! Claura Claud is one of the celebrators. Daughter of Hubert Claud, the event organizer, Claura was a very priviliged girl, she had access to the finest education and was even accepted into the Königliche Akademie der Westhurst, and was quite a promising student, however she had forsaken all her future for the simple freedom of her hometown. She had experienced the military of Westhurst first hand and no matter how brutal, and efficient they were, their lack of humanity, no human would be able to simply dissolve this gathering through brutal means. '[i]No matter who you are, it is simply not something a human would be able to do[/i]', she believed. ''Ha! Ha! Claura! We're finally free!'' A man shouted, in his hand was a cup of some fine, homemade bear. ''May Hubert live forever! Ha!'' A woman screamed. ''Hubert! Hubert! Hubert!'' The chanting, the cheering, and the joy could just not stop, an unending feeling of freedom echoed the village. For minutes on end, for hours untold, there was cheering and festivities until the night fall and 'til the dawn's rise. Endless joys spreading the village, all unknowing of the terror which lies ahead of them. Soaring in the skies, suddenly thunder broke out. [h1]Westhurst High Command[/h1] ''I didn't think I'd have to say it, and even less that I'd have to say it again! We will never ally the Irodein Empire!'' The voice echoed the large halls of the Strategic Supreme Command of Military and Diplomatic Affairs. Albert Midledurf roared, recieving the attention of all men of rank inside the hall of absolute command. ''Sir Uberadmiral, this alliance would grant us a united front against possible invaders, we could use these people to expand our influence as well-'' Ubermeisterlyt Greiz Flux tried to persuade Albert, however the Supreme Admiral of the Fleet Albert Midledurfs' hate for the Irodeins was unpresidented, he could not let down the past which had once been. For once, Krux Wilheilm Milze, Supreme General of the Army stood in agreement to the traditionalistic natures of the Westhurst Union. ''We have never been on good terms with the Irodein Empire, that which had once been has since passed, but it will never disappear. As the Supreme General I can't simply let my troops, the great Iron Men of the North, come to the aid of the Irodein Empire. If the other memebers seek our aid, then they will contact us.'' Greiz Flux sighed, sat down and admitted defeat against the incredibly unforgiving nature of the rest of the Union High Command. ''Then I conclude this gathering over, our resolves are set in stone, we will not contribute to this alliance.'' All the remaining men stood up from their seats in agreement. ''To your posts, gentlemen. Long live Westhurst.'' [h3]Festive Skies[/h3] Creutz remained silent, listening in to the pride of their empire. Personally Creutz was very skeptical of the idea that utilizing flying fortresses they'd be able to overpower their enemies, after all, something that falls will be destroyed, there is no other way. Albert Midledurf was, however, quite interested in the idea. ''I am here to investigate and observe in the place of Albert Midledurf, the Supreme Admiral, I'm sure we both understand that he is quite busy, so I am here to do his work.'' Creutz grinned slightly. ''I, myself, am not quite fond of the idea, so I am partly here to let you enlighten me in the way of your arts.'' Creutz was on the opposing side to Albert when the proposition of Sturmsoldaten were made, Albert believed that this visit would change his, and most other Ubermeisters of the Unions' opinions. ''No matter, it will always be interesting to observe the training and excercises of other nations' military, I am honored for this moment, Major Avonsta.'' He spoke, a smile making its way across his lips. He followed her words and directions, to observe the hulking machination somehow suspended in the heavens, whilst it was impressive, Creutx was skeptical to its practicality, how easy was it to sink? Only the greatest was fit for the Union. ''Well, Major, I am in your care. Guide me to your hearts content and show me the world of the heavens you are so fond of, and maybe I can show you why I am so fond of the ground.''