"Sir!" Said the Knight that had stood upon Katsu's entrance and would remain standing until given permission to be seated. Daniel, despite his commanding officer being away, had not taken opportunity to switch to casual attire. His tie today was crisp and white like copier paper, and next to a happy little cartoon pen were words scrawled in black proclaiming to the world how much the wearer enjoyed Mondays. Daniel Dashing's desk was perhaps the only one that rivaled Katsu's for shear cleanliness, and would if it weren't constantly covered with not only his obsessively tidy work but also time-sheets, fliers, and posters for nearly every sort of club, league, and charity one could imagine. This was not the desk he was standing beside right now. Instead he was standing beside one of the secretaries desks, which it appears he's not only taken the time to organizes but shine. "Secretary Stacie is in the hospital with a fractured femur after she took a nasty spill yesterday during roller derby practice so I've taken the liberty of passing the hat 'round, so to speak." He said, indicating the jar over on his desk filled with money. It has a picture of a girl in a helmet and rollerskates thanking people for their donation. The picture is in crayon. "Greyridge Central Elementary School is having a cultural day and does not, as of yet, have a speaker representing Japan and I was wondering if you were interested. Also, a Lord Tobita contacted us. He's apparently just back from a spiritual journey in Africa and was wondering if you wanted to meet for dinner at 'the usual place.'"