[quote=@The Patriarch] [quote=@Jozarin] [quote=@The Patriarch] [quote=@Jozarin] [quote=@The Patriarch] [quote=@Jozarin] [quote=@The Patriarch] I have to disagree, Anita Sarkessian is living proof about how feminists will lie to promote their ideology. [/quote] Anita Sarkeesian is just in over her head, not a liar. It would be much better for everyone involved if the face of feminism in videogames where an actual gamer. [quote=@The Patriarch]The pay gap is a lie and has been debunked tons of times. As a working man I can tell you that women have it easier at work than men, they get better hours and do less work and still get paid just as much as a man and sometimes even more. [/quote] The pay gap is not a lie, it is a real problem, but the problem is that girls are not encouraged to aim as high as boys. This means, that in a misguided attempt to fix the pay gap, the wages of women workers is raised, which fixes the problem, but in the least fair way possible. [quote=@The Patriarch] Women greatly contribute to domestic violence and yet the face of domestic violence is a straight male.[/quote] Domestic [i]abuse[/i], not domestic violence. Two different things, and because of inherent physiological differences, women abusers are less likely to use violence. [/quote] Women still greatly contribute to both domestic violence and abuse. Stop spreading the lies about only men can be violent or abusive, it's freaking stupid. Women get less sentencing for crimes compared to men and feminists never complain about that, if you ever try to criticize feminism you're bullied into believing it like a religion. It impossible to have a clean debate with a feminist without them blowing their tops The pay gap is bullshit because women CHOOSE to not work the harder and more dirty jobs that men which normally pays more. Again whenever there is a try for proper equality feminists bitch about the unfairness of women doing extra work. If you honestly think that Anita Sarkessian has any good points then I also suspect that you believe that video games encourage violence. Anita lied and is a con artist. [/quote] I literally just said that women can be abusive. I did say they could be violent, but not as violent as men are. Women can be just as abusive as men can, but not often as violent. I said that abusive women usually use non-violent forms of abuse. The pay gap is because women are not encouraged to choose the more high-paying jobs. (These are usually [i]less dirty[/i], being office jobs and all). If we encouraged the same sort of ambition in women as we do in men, the pay gap will naturally close. I never said that Anita Sarkessian has any good points, I just said that she is not a liar, merely an idiot. We should have an actual [i]gamer[/i] as the face of feminism in videogames. [/quote] Feminism has about as much place in videos games as religion does in politics, they will force their ideologies on other people [/quote] There is a [b]big[/b] difference between feminism in video games, and religion in politics: feminism has reliable data to back it up. The problem with Anita is that she ignores actual problems with representation of women in video games and with misogyny in the industry, in favour of complaining about Bayonetta being "Pornographic" and "Sexual Objectification", or about "Rewarding violence against women" in Hitman - neither of which has any evidence, and both of which couldn't be further from the truth without the possibility not presenting itself. [/quote] There is no evidence of misogyny in the industry, you have no proof [/quote] OK. I cannot find any in the industry, but I can find plenty in the community. Just look up Cross Assault. Just "Cross Assault"