As he used his telepathy, he felt a small surge of excitement, like a refreshing rush of cold through his mind...[h3]Harry Leveled Up![/h3][list][*] Sophistication +1 → 1 [*] Wits +1 → 4[/list][sup][i]Be sure to update your stats on your character page.[/i][/sup] Harry heard a high-pitched, crystalline voice dance through his mind: "What's that? Hello! You can hear me? Hello!" The voice sounded sweet and innocent, happy and curious, but it didn't seem to have much else to say. Just as you might expect from a plant that size, it was young, babyish, and not really aware of its situation. "Well if you say so..." Ronnie tried to calm down, but Harry could still feel that he was a bit tense. "Come on, let's get out of here and explore the rest of this ship so we can get the heck outta this place!" He was already halfway up the ladder as he finished saying this. Ronnie got the rest of the way up and Harry could hear his grandfather admonishing him with phrases like, "Hop to, old bean!" and "Tut tut, it's not so bad!" and then calling down to Harry, "Let's get going then, I say! The young Isaac has gone ahead!"