[b][u]4th Scouting Brood, 122AIE8 Star System[/u][/b] The small brood split into two smaller groups and maneuvered around the Coibeyyan Fleet, the Battlecruiser and its Destroyer escorting going one direction, while the frigates went the other as the unsuspecting victims came close to moving into the crossfire of the Uarashi ships. No doubt suspension began to rise among the Coibeyyan Fleet as to the actions of this group within their sensors, and Guimos would not let them get the upper hand if they acted first. One one side, the frigates moved in a diamond formation, prepping their forward energy cannons and torpedoes. While on the other side, the heavy group moved into a line formation, their broadsides facing the alien fleet, and doing the same. As they entered the killzone, Guimos did not hesitate. "Slaughter them!" He ordered. The guns on his group all begun to light a golden glow as the ship batteries charged up, all shooting out bursts of light towards the Coibeyyans, followed by a volley of torpedoes. Some of the shots no doubt would miss, but the sheer number of the opposing fleet will be their downfall.