[@CourierSix] Right, that didn't really take me long, the hardest parts are always history and appearance for me. Although names are often difficult. let me know what I need to change. [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/246/9/d/lonely_by_noridomotomiriki-d2xwkzy.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Eilif Markham [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Motivation:[/b] Having signed up to spite her family, Eil is gonna see this through to the end, the money is a good second, but really she had never believed she could be picked anyway. The adrenalin rush she may or may not get is another reason. [b]Backstory:[/b] For the most part Eil was a normal girl, the differences being that she was pulled out of school and home schooled from the age of ten. Instead of proper schooling it was just letting her run wild, learning what she wanted to learn. This mostly included running lose and causing havoc, tagging random signs also turned into a hobby. Now that she’s sixteen her parents want to send her off to a pretty, prim, girlish, all-girls boarding school. The sort of place Eil would never go. So she signed up for the show as a way out. She had been told she had to buckle down and do something, so she did [i]something[/i], just not what her parents were hoping. [b]Personality:[/b] Eil is a wild girl who always preferred being outdoors. Except when she had a good book and then she wanted to be where no one can find her. Wild and carefree, Eil has a slight anger management problem, but for the most part she is really to kind for her own good. Her mood swings are sudden and shocking, and very obvious as well. She is not an idiot; she just can’t be bothered to learn normal things. Also a bit of a daredevil adrenalin junkie, she will take unnecessary risks just for the sake of it. [b]Misc:[/b] She is claustrophobic and any feeling of being trapped makes her go berserk, lashing out at anything nearby, especially if it will get her out. She is also scared of most spiders and doesn’t like touching some bugs, though she is fine with most. Ants disgust her with the way they swarm, and the smell of oranges or similar fruits makes her want to puke. She both loves and is a little afraid of the dark, but if there is even a tiny bit of light she is fine, blindfolds however don’t affect her the same way. To counter her fear of dark she wears a glow in the dark pendant for cloudy nights, or being inside. Her only really calm state is when she sings to the stars, however she doesn’t really like others hearing her sing to often.