[b]Appearance:[/b] [Img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6v65fmTgJ1rv13xdo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Salazar Theroux [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] The Advocate, Ambassador, The Court's Mask. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Skills:[/b] -Skilled Manipulator: Salazar has always had a way with words. He has perfected this skill to the point where he can convince people of innocence and bluff his way out of most situations. -Friends In High and Low Places: Salazar's position in life has given him the unique situation of a Court mainstay and an information broker, as such he has many connections to lords and beggers alike. - Rudimentary sword skills. [b]Magic:[/b] - Illusionist: Illusion magic is as varied as it can get, but can never cause harm through the spells themselves. It is the ability to project images into reality, alter how people see and hear the world, alter the mind of those targeted. [b]Equipment:[/b] -Light traveling clothes - A short sword - A small dog eared leather-bound book. [b]Personality:[/b] Salazar is a man whose personality is hard to pin down. A consummate liar, a man of sociopathic tendencies and an innate ability to feign emotions leads people to believe that Salazar is indeed a genuine person with emotions, it is mostly far from the truth. Salazar does have moments when he shows some emotion, though they are few and far between. [b]Biography:[/b] Salazar was born to a noble family, the eldest of three and the only son. Salazar was expected from a young age to be a near perfect court identity. This plan fell away when it was discovered he had the ability to use magic, or in his case...the ability to craft illusions. As such, the plan altered to create Salazar into the absolute Perfect court identity. Sent away to be instructed by an illustrious Illusionist, Salazar returned in a much shorter time than expected, returning with mystical skill and a single leather-bound book. Years passed, education and court seasons building Salazar into the consummate liar and manipulator. But with the years came a penchant to explore. Salazar eventually withdrew from his court with a lords permission to explore the world and return with new stories to share. [b]Others:[/b] Don't get him drunk.