Isaac looked around the room, having no clue what to do. Wires hung from the ceiling and there were glowing lights everywhere. [i]Hmmm…[/i] Isaac thought. He didn’t know what to really do. He walked over to the control panel. There was a switch, a red binder and a curious object. The object appeared to be a vacuum sealed container, which sat next to the red binder. What was even more curious was the fact that the binder had apparently stayed right where it was. Isaac paced warily around the room, stepping over the wires. At last, he arrived at the cluttered desk. He was cautious of the switch, as he didn’t know what it would do if he activated it. Probably for the best, he decided not to press it. For now. Instead, Isaac studied the page that the red binder was currently on, hoping to see something that would reveal some answers.