Bristlebane was just minding his own buisness when suddenly his vision was assailed by a vibrant red color nearly as attention grabbing as himself flaied around in the wind and stuck upon his face. He carefully detangled himself from the strange parchment and exaimned its contents, it appeared to be a job request of some sort, ohhh action and adventure, and for some reason it had a jumble of text at the bottom, didn't make any sense to him so he threw it away. Bristlebane did love himself some action and adventure, unfortunatly it wasn't until tommorow. Alas, he contiuned his journey curious about the prospects the job offered, and on his way to a bar to play for some coins his 7th sense began tingiling and alerted him to the presence of magic, he wasn't sure how it worked yet but it had never failed before. Looking about he noticed the source attentivly looking at the very same annoyingly bright flyer he had just thrown away. Carefully Bristlebane subtly moved through the crowds of milling poeple and got a closer look. The man had a veeeeery shiny necklace, he wanted it. Bristlebane fake tripped putting his foot in front of the unknown persons and slamming into him. As they hopefully fell to the ground he would grab the mans necklace and rip it off while turning over landing with his back towards the stranger and stuffing the necklace into one of his many pockets.