Sabrina looked over her shoulder as the guard placed the bowl of fruit on the floor near her. Pushing the chair out she reached out and picked it up, walking back over to her little corner and placing it beside her before she began eating. As she began eating one of the pencils began floating and making marks along some of the paper, causing her to smile slightly. However it suddenly fell to the ground and she frowned for a moment before turning to look at a boy with brown hair. Her deep blue eyes stared at him for a while, as if confused as to what he was doing before she eventually looked back to the food and the pencil resumed drawing. Raven watched the boy who went to sit near Sabrina curiously, wanting to see how she reacted. The girl had never been aggressive towards her or other ‘subjects’ for lack of a better word, only guards so she doubted there would be another incident of someone flying across the room unless he behaved aggressively towards her first. She was more interested in the man with the black hair and his reaction to the guard being close to him. There was a look of… hunger in his eyes possibly and she found her interest peeked, especially when he just waltzed over to them after consuming what could only have been blood and having a very sudden change of personality. She’d heard of people getting angry when they were hungry but she was sure that boy would have attacked that guard if he had been there a few seconds longer. Instantly she was put on edge, her posture became stiff, action ready and her wings unfurled very slightly as she readied to jump back at a moment’s noticed if he turned on them. Not that she was seated closest to him, so the chance of him going for her first was low and he seemed content now. It just made her aware that she could not let her guard down for a moment around him no matter what. “Plan?” She repeated eventually, once she’d finished her mouthful. “There is no ‘plan’. There is no ‘leaving’ I’m sorry, I’ve been in here a while but you can’t honestly expect me to believe that there are people walking around out there with wings or people on fire or things like that. This is a top secret government project… I’m sorry to have to tell you this but you’re all here for the rest of your lives…” However long they may be. She added grimly in her mind. The truth was that the life expectancy of people in here wasn’t extensive and lives were often cut short.