Salazar woke to sunlight bursting through the drawn shades of the room he had been given by a local lord at court in New Torrea. His reputation had preceded him, not a strange thing to happen in cities such as these. As much as Salazar had wished anonymity, the exertion he would have had to endure to completely wipe his identity from the minds of the people would have put him in no state to travel for at least a year. Sighing gently and sitting up, allowing the naked lady that had been sharing his bed the night previous to gather up her underclothes and scamper from his sight, Salazar caught his reflection in the mirror. He had been wearing one of his favourite Masques the night previous, white hair and a thin scar that curled around his neck, and he watched it melt away. The flesh became less full and the returned to normal flesh. His hair suddenly shifted into brown and he was once again himself. He grinned, revelling too much in his power was something his teacher would quite often reprimand him for. [i]Well…She was pretty. [/i] “Quiet Grim…” [i]Oh you are so grumpy in the morning. [/i] “Because I always have to listen to some snide remark from you, dear teacher” Salazar gave a short growl and dressed in his customary attire; shirt and tie, black pants and a well worn in jacket. He had to look presentable today…there was court to attend to. --- Salazar strolled through the mingling nobles of the gathered court, a ball of some lesser noble attempting to gain favour from the stronger houses the vied for control of the merchants and land within the city. Salazar loved this game…he was a natural with his gifts. A simple riot of an aggressive emotion from one would incite a rambling argument, a quelling of fears could allow Salazar to illicit information from the tightest of lips. It was a help that Salazar could imitate the idea of consummate ladies’ man. Salazar gave short nods and curt smiles to the lords and ladies fulfilling their noblesse oblige. He felt nothing as he watched arguments cut down alliances in favour of more beneficial ones. He never really felt much when it came to the nobles…they were just secrets to be sold. He finally caught a conversation worth listening to. Shifting closer, he waited and listened. “Did you hear?” a whispering voice peeled out. “what?” “It’s hidden in those red fliers getting thrown out?” “The ‘monster hunting’ ones?” “Yes, the ones posted by Hazael of the Triumvirate…Donat is a betrayer” The gasps gave Salazar his sign to leave. Hazael…Salazar smiled and clenched his fist gently, a small blue bird coalescing from the energy in his fist “fly to Hazael of the Triumvirate, inform her that I will be joining whatever investigation she is planning.” The bird nodded and shot into the air above the nobles, flying off to find its target. “This will be fun…” [I] I agree…. [/i]