[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Scar%20Lionhart%20-%20Gif_zpsj8lhk62g.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Odette%20Swan%20Cursed%20-%20Gif_zpsdg9becuj.gif[/img] [h1][color=DarkOrange]Scar Lionhart[/color] and [color=MistyRose]Odette Swan[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - The Pride Lands[/h2][/center] Hearing the sound of the stone doors closing behind them, Scar said nothing as he walked through the Entrance Hall of the castle, ignoring the dumbfounded looks he was getting from those in the room at the sight of a swan (of all animals) following their King like an obedient puppy. Taking a right down a corridor, one of the guards took sight of the situation and took a step forward to approach his King, bowing slightly in respect. "Sire, there's a-" Passing the guard by as he went, Scar extended a muscled arm, hand taking hold of the soldier's face and slammed it back into the wall. The soldier, disoriented and slumping to the ground in an unconscious heap, didn't even so much as make a sound aside from the light [i]thump[/i] when he hit the floor. "I know." Scar said simply, continuing on walking with his shoulders now hunched over a bit. "Believe me, I know." The King of The Pride Lands continued down the corridor, turning one more corner before opening up a small wooden door and stepped inside, standing in the threshold and for the first time since entering the castle looked to make sure Odette had followed him, keeping the door open for her until she passed through. Lifting her head up to look about at the people that were surrounding them giving strange looks at the sight that even she knew wasn't an every day thing she hesitated for a moment the sight of him turning a corner causing her to run after him her wings flapping gently behind her as she closed the gap leaving the bystanders staring after her in confusion, tilting her head to the side she let her gaze flick up and down the guard who stepped forward bowing to Scar before he was slammed back against the wall causing the swan to stumble back slightly her feathers ruffling in surprise. Stepping forward slowly she extended out her neck her beak pressing against the cheek of the unconscious man who was now slumped on the ground in front of her before she pulled away her gaze following Scar's path until she began to once more run after him slowing down as she watched him open up the door his gaze staring down at her, lowering her head she moved herself as fast as she could over the threshold slowing down once again as she entered the room keeping close to the walls and avoiding his gaze as much as he could. Watching the end of her tail feathers cross over the threshold, he stepped after her, closing the door and letting the weight of it do most of the work, causing it to slam back shut. Scar walked forward, past Odette and went to sit on the settee in the room; the very same room he had just killed two gypsies not moments ago. The others in the room, both guards and servants alike startled to attention, each bowing to their King from what looked like respect, but the tension of absolute fear in the air said otherwise. One of the female servants, tasked with holding onto the wine jug, gasped in surprise at his presence and dropped the jug, causing the sound of glass and liquid crashing to the floor to fill the straining silence but Scar didn't even so much as flinch. "Get out." He said quietly, resting his forehead on the palm of his hand. So quietly, in fact, hardly anyone in the room budged. Lifting his gaze to those around him, Scar's eyes narrowed and he stood up abruptly, swinging his arm outwards like he was trying to clear the room with his own hand. "GET OUT!" The sudden outburst jumped the onlookers to attention, each taking the liberty of clearing out of the room as soon as possible. The servant who had dropped the wine bottle had knelt down to pick up the pieces, catching Scar's eye as he stalked over towards her with his fists clenched. The woman startled a gasp and gathered up the ends of her dress, abandoning the broken wine bottle and joined in with the others in leaving the room. Only when the last person had left did Scar take his eyes away from the door, returning to the settee and sat back down with an exasperated sigh, rubbing his left temple with his hand. "Odette..." He called, not at all angry, but stern, going with her given name he had only used just the once before. Pressing her body down into the ground she turned her head further away from everyone in the room nuzzling it down and into her wing the loud sound of glass shattering upon the stone floor causing her to jump her feathers ruffling as she stumbled further down the wall away from where the sound had come from in the first place, her eyes darted back and forth watching on as Scar lifted from his seat his voice ringing through the air and bouncing off the walls causing everyone this time to scramble about their sudden movements causing the young swan to turn away her feet moving her away from the wall and underneath the closest table so that she wouldn't be trampled in their hurry to leave the room. Curling up she hid in the shade of that the tabletop provided her neck lowering so that she was completely hidden from view of those around her, this was not what she had been expecting when she had thought to come and visit, the yelling and violence catching her off-guard even after knowing that it was just a part of who he was and how he ran his kingdom. Lifting her head up slightly as she heard her name being spoken she let her gaze come to a rest on his figure sitting on the couch rubbing his temple as the stress seemed to get to him her heart sinking as the feeling that she was the one who had caused it weighed down upon her, hesitating for only a moment she slowly made her way out from under the table her feet carrying her over to where he sat before she came to a stop in front of him her gaze locked on the ground at his feet. Looking down at the swan at his feet by still holding his head, Scar stared down the beady little eyes of the bird, saying nothing for the longest time, more-so trying to wrap his head around the fact that Odette was somewhere inside the animal. How did she get here? [i]Why[/i] was she here? Did she just plan on remaining a swan here at his castle as a constant reminder of his own curse and the promise he had made her to end the both of them by killing Rothbart? Rothbart... even thinking the name caused knots to start twisting in his stomach. It took Scar a weeks journey of endless walking to reach Swan Lake, but if Odette had flown that time would have been cut down significantly, though how much he was uncertain; only knowing that the evil sorcerer would find out eventually... and come looking for her. "I had been led to believe that you are an obedient child; that your trust in me was unwavering and that you would use that patience learned over the years to do as I say and not put yourself in any danger." Scar started in a low, almost threatening tone, continuing to hold the side of his head with his hand, his elbow in turn resting on the arm of the settee. "It seems I was wrong... about everything." Sitting up a bit on the settee, Scar removed his hand from his head and let it dangle between his legs off of his knee, bending slightly at the waist with both feet planted firmly on the ground. "Unless of course you are simply here to tell me that The Great Animal is already dead, or that he has had a change of heart and given you your freedom; this is news I would be most grateful to hear because surely no child of mine, adopted or not, would be so careless to simply run away without any thought to the consequences it could bring... say... if Rothbart were to follow and kill me in my sleep..." Scar paused for a moment, his eyes never leaving the swans before he sat back against the settee in a somewhat relaxed position. "But no, my Odette would never do something so careless, so out with it; what good news do you bring me?" Her stomach churned nervously as she waited for him to start talking the silence weighing on her more than the yelling had done moments before hand, a sharp pain shooting through her chest as she listened silently and patiently to everything that he had to say to her. Lowering her head she pulled her neck in trying to make herself as small as she possibly could, she had disappointed him and angered him with her actions and then above all she had put him in danger from being there in the first place, she never should have left. A small stinging sensation hit her eyes as tears began to form though she couldn't let him see her cry anymore than he had already done in the time they had spent together almost two months ago now, she had just wanted to see him again, to get away from what she was being put through back at the lake, but instead she had screwed everything up by thinking for herself instead of listening to him like she should have. She flinched slightly avoiding eye contact with him causing her to step back slightly as he began to speak about the consequences she had not even thought about, as he fell silent waiting for her answer she hesitated for a few moments before she closed her eyes tightly quickly shaking her head telling him that she had none as she waited, whatever punishment he was going to give her she would take, just as she would take whatever punishment Rothbart had awaiting her back at Swan Lake. Watching the swan shake her head (or what looked like shaking her head) Scar exhaled a deep breath out of his nose and shook his head slightly. "No? Nothing?" Shutting his eyes for a moment, he rested his head back into his hand, saying nothing for a while before pushing himself up from the settee and made his way over to the table she had been hiding underneath earlier. "Then I was wrong about you." Keeping his back to the swan and letting his words sink in, he ran his fingers over the silver tray that had been laid down on the table, plucking a few red grapes from it and popped them into his mouth merely to give himself something to do. Placing both of his hands on the edge of the table, his shoulders hunched over, he stared down the tray of fruit before snatching the edge of the tray and slid it off of the table, letting it clatter to the floor next to the swan. Most of it stayed on the platter, but a few grapes and orange slices bounced off and onto the floor. "Eat up. I have to think." Her heart sunk in her chest as his words about being wrong about her hit her like a ton of bricks crashing to the ground below, she had really screwed up by leaving the lake she knew that and now it was up to her to make things right, even if that meant she would have to fly non-stop to get back there as quickly as possible. Scrambling away as the tray clattered down on the ground beside her she shot her gaze up to him watching him while her small figure shook in surprise and fear her feathers ruffling causing dust to fly off them before falling to the ground around her, spreading them out she flapped them gently lifting herself into the air before she turned carrying herself over to the open window. This had been a bad idea, the first thing she was going to do once she got out was go see Dominic before making the journey back home. Hearing her webbed feet slapping against the stone floor away from him, Scar turned his thick neck to look over at her, catching her figure just as she hopped up onto the window that had been opened to rid the room of 'that dead gypsy smell' which he had described before getting the message that there was a swan and a man standing outside his castle. Turning the rest of his body around to face her, Scar turned lifted up his arm and hand in question. "What are you doing? You won't last five minutes out there. It's a miracle you got here in one piece to begin with, what with vultures twice your size flying around out there; red-tail hawks, eagles... all of which who would find a nice, white swan a tasty little treat. Now, come back inside and sit on the couch or something, you're not an anima-" Stopping himself, Scar shook his head a bit, taking a moment to run his fingers through his short cropped hair. "Just sit back down. At least here you are safe." She stopped pausing on the window ledge as he began to speak to her again her eyes on the open sky before her though her heart was telling her she wanted to go back inside and stay with him at his side, lowering her head slightly as she took his words to heart she looked around below her wondering if he was only trying to scare her or if she really wouldn't be able to get back home without being hurt or even killed. Turning her head back to look over at him first before looking over to the settee she thought about her options though coming to the conclusion that she no longer wanted to make him any angrier at her than he already was she flapped her wings her body gliding back through the room until she perched on the couch curling up with her head hidden under her folded wing. Nodding his approval as Odette settled herself down on the couch, Scar once more gestured towards the tray of fruit on the ground. "Now get something to eat. I have some business to attend to for the time being, but so long as you stay in here, you will be safe." Taking a moment to just look at the swan settled down on his usual sitting area, feeling that same protective feeling in his chest as he had before when they had met at Swan Lake, he crossed the distance to her and squatted back down on his haunches so that when her neck was extended, she was a might bit taller than he was. Raising up his right hand again, he dangled the necklace she had given him in front of her beady little eyes, the pendant catching the light of the afternoon sun and cast a warm, golden glow on the objects closest to it. "I haven't forgotten Malaika. Did you think I had forgotten about you? Is that why you came?" He asked, his voice, for the first time she had been there, returning to that of the gentle father. Turning her gaze over to the fruit that he had put on the ground for her she nodded though gave him no signs that she was going to move from where she was now sitting on the settee her body still tightly curled up with her wings pressed in against her, tilting her head she watched him as he moved closer towards her closing the gap before he crouched back down on his haunches her eyes connecting with his for the first time since they had both entered the room together.The gentle glint of the golden pendant hanging from his wrist caught her attention her head turning so that she was looking over at it listening to what he was asking her trying to get to the truth of why it was that she had come to see him in the first place, shaking her head she let her gaze drop to the ground between them before she lifted it back up once more rubbing the side of her face against his cheek just wanting to be close to him like she had been back at Swan Lake. His expression softened a hair feeling her down feathers rubbing up against his cheek again, but this time, as they were alone, he didn't pull away. He hardly moved, but there was a time when she could [i]barely[/i] feel him nuzzling her back, for a fraction of a moment before he took his right hand and ran it over the top of her head all the way down her long neck, finding the place between her wings on her back and smoothed out the feathers there. "I know, I missed you too." He told her quietly, somehow being able to understand what it was that she was trying to tell him. "I'm nearly recovered, the knee still hurts a bit when I move it in certain ways, but I'm doing just fine. Another months time and I would have returned to you." Moving herself closer to the edge of the settee she leant into his touch her eyes closing as she tried to get herself as close to him as she could her body relaxing for the first time since she had entered the castle in the first place, turning her head into his cheek she nuzzled him back her beak brushing over his skin as she spoke softly realizing that he would only be able to hear the sound of a swan honking at him, /"I missed you too much father... I did not want to wait any longer to be by your side again..."/ Hearing Odette reply with a series of soft honking sounds, he sighed, pulling away from her touch and stood back up, reminding him of the meeting he had yet to set up. Scratching the back of his head, still looking down at Odette, the tightening feeling in his stomach only got stronger. He never called on [i]her[/i], his association with Maleficent had been very minimal ever since she gave him the in so that he could kill his brother and take over the Kingdom. She ignored him, and he did his best to ignore her, but she had magic and magic may be the only thing to help him right now. "Stay put kid. I have to take care of something." He told her sternly, but not without love. Giving her a single nod, he turned his back to her and headed for the door in which he had entered with her, pausing for a moment to look back at the swan on his couch before pushing open the door and exited, closing it tight behind him.